Domitius Nero Research Paper

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Nero was born in Antium in Italy on december 15 .a.d.nero talked to his mother, agrippina the Younger and his father, Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus. His father, a former Roman consul,died when he was about 3 years old, and his mother was banished by the Emperor Caligula, leaving him in the care of an aunt. His name at birth was Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus.
After the murder of caligula in January A.D. 41 and the ascension of emperor Claudius shortly afterward, mother and son were reunited. His ambitious mother would go on to marry claudius in A.D. 49 and she saw to it that he adopted her son, giving him a new name that started with Nero.His tutors included the famous philosopher seneca, a man who would continue advising Nero into his reign even writing the proclamation explaining why Nero killed his mother.

The newly adopted son would later take the hand of his step
He started work on a new palace called the Domus Aurea , which was said, at the entranceway to have included a 120 foot long column that contained a statue of him.
Not all of Nero's dealings throughout the empire ended in violence. In A.D. 66, Nero, a lover of Greek culture, embarked on a trip to Greece Which had been under Roman control for about two centuries by his time.
Shotter writes that nero took part in several Greek festivals, taking home first prizes for his artistic presentations the first prizes gave out in rome. The Greeks also agreed to postpone the olympic games by one year so that Nero could compete in them. That wasn’t all they agreed to do, to the “athletic contests were added for the first time artistic competitions.

“In one dangerous race, he fell out of his chariot, but the Hellenic Judges in charge of the games nevertheless granted him the wreath of victory: he rewarded these traditionally unpaid officials with one million

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