Domestic Violence in Rural Areas

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Domestic violence is a serious criminal, familial, and societal problem. Statistics indicate that many women fall victim to domestic violence however it is impossible to quantify the actual pain and degradation they face. Fear and terror are equally impossible to quantify as women and family anticipate their next assault. Domestic violence touches all walks of life therefore the use of gender specific language should not be construed to mean that domestic violence is only perpetrated on women or in heterosexual relationships. However, academic research consistently demonstrates that the majority of domestic violence victims are female and the batters male. For the purpose of this paper, violence perpetrated on women from men will be the focus.

Battering is the largest cause of injury to women when compared to rape, auto accidents, and mugging combined (Robinson, 2000). The physical violence endured by women has ramifications beyond what women themselves suffer. For example, babies born with birth defects are increased because of pregnant women being battered, and children witnessing domestic violence are more likely to the repeat the cycle of violence as they get older (Robinson, 2000). Not only are children living in abusive homes adversely affected by what they witness, they are at risk of being abused themselves. It is estimated that 40% to 50% of men who batter their spouse also physically and emotionally abuse their children (Robinson, 2000).

The most commonly asked question about domestic violence is why do women stay in an abusive relationship. Multitudes of reasons exist that are extremely complex. The book Rural Women Battering and the Justice System (Websdale, 1998) offers several reasons why women stay in...

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The tragedy of domestic violence is not new. Historically not only have men had legal rights to beat their spouse but is presently socially endorsed in rural regions. Woman battering is a problem in rural regions that has been ignored far too long. As noted by Websdale, 1998 social and geographical isolations make if difficult for women in rural region to escape violent perpertrators. Due to the isolations that rural women encounter accessing help from the criminal justice system is difficult. Women in urban/suburban regions are not present with the same isolations therefore the accessibility of the criminal justice system is much more reasonable. The nature of battering as previously stated in no different in rural regions than that of urban regions. Violence is violence no matter where the incidents occur.

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