Does the quantity of lemon drops differentiate the mass of the curds?
The purpose of the experiment is to determine whether certain amounts of lemon drops alter the curds mass in any way while maintaining the same features excluding the amount of lemon drops.
Saturated and unsaturated fats play a big role in the making of curds because saturated fats normally found in dairy products or any other type of animal foods. The main ingredient to making curds is milk. Leaving the milk out at room temperature causes the milk to harden and turn into a solid. Unsaturated fats are more commonly found in plant foods and sea life like fish. Unsaturated fats are mainly of liquid because of their chemical structure compared to saturated fats. Unsaturated
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fats have double bonds made up of hydrogen molecules that create gaps to allow fats to turn into a liquid (Healthyeating.sfgate, 2011). Curds are mainly made up of saturated fats, with lemon in addition to the curds could widely impact the making of the curds. While saturated fats play a vital role in the making of curds, essential fats made up of 2 different acids, linoleic acid (omega-6) and alpha linoleic (omega-3) (, 2016). Different types of milk contain different amounts of essential fats. For example, whole organic milk has a much higher ratio between omega-3 and omega-6, with omega-3 having the higher ratio (Southeastdairy, 2016). The fat from milk contains 65% of saturated fat (, 2004). Each type of milk could impact the duration of time that it would take to set until it is done. There are many health benefits from dairy products that come along. The rich nutrients that come from many dairy products are a good source of calcium and vitamin D with many other essential nutrients (, 2015). Vitamin D really helps improve bone health and reductions of diseases like cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes (Choosemyplate, 2015). Milk is made up of calcium, protein, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin A, riboflavin, and niacin (, 2010). All of these essential nutrients impact the health of someone quite a bit. High saturated dairy products raise cholesterol levels in the bloodstream which causes diseases (choosemyplate, 2015). With the right amount of milk and lemon drops the curd should come out to a point where it isn’t too saturated with fats or unsaturated with fats. If the amount of lemon drops is varied from trial to trial with different amounts set in each of the cups, then the milk will alter from some of its characteristics like its texture. Materials o 120 mL of milk o 1 Lemon o 1 Spoon o 1 cheesecloth o 1 beaker Procedure 1: 120 mL of milk (vitamin D) measured at room temperature into beaker.
2: Drops of lemon is added to the milk which is then gently stirred for 30 seconds.
3: Allow the milk to set for 5 minutes without being moved.
4: Cheesecloth is then placed on top of the beaker to pour the curdled milk through to collect the curds which is then drained for 15 minutes.
5: Find the mass of the curds.
These trends on the graph represent the mass of the curd as each trial was being completed. The 1st trial (Red) is the lowest amount of lemon drops added to the milk (5 drops). Its mass came out to be an average of 20.3 grams where it stood in between the other two trials. The 2nd trial (Green) had an average mass of 19 grams below the 1st and 3rd trial. The 3rd trial (Blue) had a mass of 22 grams where it was above both 1st and 2nd trial. As more lemon drops were added the lighter the mass of the curd was. When less drops were added the thicker and heavier the curd mass
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got. The data represented was the mass of the curd.
Showing from trial to trial what would occur if different quantities of lemon drops impacted the mass of the curd. Therefore, the hypothesis was supported because different amounts of lemon drops did alter the mass of the curd. With some having a heavier density than other trials performed. As used, in the 1st and 3rd trial, more lemon added impacted the mass from the curd by increasing its mass by 1.3 grams. Since lemon has a higher saturated concentration with the saturated fat from the milk its mass could well be varied upon on, which is why adding more or less lemon drops does effect the mass of the
curd. Sheehan, Jan. “How to Distinguish Between Saturated & Unsaturated Fats.” Healthy Eating, Taboola, 12 Feb. 2011, Dr. Axe. “Essential Fatty Acids: What Makes These Healthy Fats So Essential?” Food in Medicine, Dr. Axe, 5 Oct. 2016, Fox and McSweeney. “Milk Composition.” Milk Facts, Milk Facts, 22 June 2015, VWheelock. “Why The Fats In Milk Are Essential.” VernersViews, WestOnaPrice, 8 Apr. 2013, Capretto, Lisa. “The Health Benefits Of Milk.” Milks Makeup,, 25 Mar. 2010, HealthyBenefits. “Healthy Benefits of Dairy.” Milk Dairy, Dairy Council of California, 16 July 2015, MyPlate. “Nutrients and Health Benefits.” ChooseMyPlate, USDA, 26 June 2015,
One of the best methods for determining mass in chemistry is gravimetric analysis (Lab Handout). It is essentially using the the mass of the product to figure out the original mass that we are looking for. Thus the purpose of our experiment was to compare the final mass in our reaction to the initial mass and determine the change in mass.
A random error is caused by any factor which randomly affects the amount of scatter in the data. An increase in sample size allows averages to be calculated which reduces the effects of these random errors. By removing outliers in the data, the effect of random errors can be further minimised. A large amount of scatter in results indicated low precision and a large number of random errors. Some possible random errors in this experiment may have arisen when measuring the 12mL of milk solution for each test tube; some may have had slightly more and others slightly less than 12mL. Another random error could have occurred when adding 4 drops of methylene blue, some drops may have contained more liquid than others, meaning some test tubes may have contained less methylene blue indicator than
Regarding the densities of Coke and Diet Coke, I believed that the density of coke would be greater than the density of Diet Coke. Because the content of Coke contains more sugar than Diet Coke, it would contain more mass and since density is mass dependent, Coke would be denser than Diet Coke. From the results of the experiment, there was a slight difference between the densities of Coke and Diet Coke. The measurements obtained from the pipette and the graduated cylinder demonstrated that Coke is denser than Diet Coke while Diet Coke was shown to be denser than Coke using the burette. With the pipette, the average density of Coke is 1.02 and the average density of Diet Coke is 0.99. With the graduated cylinder, the average density is 0.976968 and the average density of Diet Coke is 0.95. With the burette, the average density of Coke is 0.99 and the average density of Diet Coke is 1.0. Among the three instruments, the most precise was the graduated cylinder and the most accurate was the volumetric pipette. Since density is defined as mass/volume, changing the volume of Coke or Diet Coke would have changed.
In this lecture, it talks about fat and how it affects us and our bodies. There are two main different types of fat, saturated and unsaturated. Many types of saturated fat are found in meat and dairy products. These fats are hard to break down for cells, because of this, they tend to get tucked away and build up over time if worked off. Unsaturated fats are found in olive oil and other plant oils. These types of fat are readily consumed for energy.
So the experiment will be based upon the movement of water. The first potato chip will be placed in a zero percent solution. I believe that this will increase the mass. I believe this because the zero percent solution has a lower concentration than the cell sap inside the potato. The potato takes on the water through osmosis and the cell pushes out from inside the cell making it swell and become more rigid.
A good example would be the experiments with the concentrations of 20% to 60% concentration results to show the change. In the 20% concentration I noticed a decrease in the percentage change in mass for the experiment the percentage was _____ while for the concentration of sucrose 60% the change was _____ we can see that the percentage change in mass is decreasing thus we can conclude that the difference of the initial from the final and as it gets greater that means the mass of the potato changed massively.
Conclusions: There is a pattern on the graph, and data table, which shows that as the concentration of the sucrose solution increases, the potato's percentage change in mass decreases.
Leave it for 5-10 minutes and wash it with cool water. If you want you can even add honey to the cold milk for moisturizing purpose.
The research question asks how the solute concentration in the solution would affect the change in weight of the potato. The hypothesis posed in this lab was if the potato is placed in a 0.0M solution then it will increase in weight and if the potato is placed in a 0.2-1.0M solution then it will decrease in weight. The results yielded from the lab supported the hypothesis. When the potato is placed in a 0M solution it will increase in mass because there would be less solute in the environment, therefore making it hypotonic, causing the cell to swell up and get bigger. When the potato is placed in a solution that is 0.2-1.0M it will decrease in mass because there would be more solute in the environment, therefore making it hypertonic, causing the cell to lose water and possibly plasmolyze.
3. Place citrus in a beaker and cover with a 10% bleach solution. Let soak for 10 minutes.
4. Put milk samples into the beaker for about five and a half minutes and take samples out after time is up. 5. With the warm samples, open the pouch containing the gel cassette and remove the cassette.
= == In my investigation to find out how salt solution concentration affect the mass of potatoes, I will investigate how much the mass of a potato changes if I leave it in a beaker of water with a specified salt concentration for half an hour. I will change the salt concentration after each experiment. Background Knowledge --------------------
· Size of lemon - I will conduct my experiment in no longer than an
Saturated fats come from animal sources like steak, hamburger and pork. Unsaturated fats are derived from plants. There are also trans fats that are considered poison for the body. They raise the bad cholesterol in your body, and should never be included in a healthy diet. There are also fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6 that are good for a healthy body.