Does Religion Cause War-And Do Atheists Have Something To Answer For?

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In life one will always come to the point where they question their faith and religion. I for one have came to this point several times. It is very easy to begin to question this and it is very tough to decide which religion is right so many individuals just decide not to to believe in a higher power or have a religion of any sort, but in my opinion religion is very necessary. There are many key elements as to why religion is necessary. Religion teaches patience, values, and creates guidelines to life for us humans. Without religion we humans would not evolve or have manners, patience, values, and guidelines to live our lives. Religions have helped humans evolve in so many ways, without it we would not know where we are heading. It has basically …show more content…

But in religion you learn to solve things with peace and it does not cause separation. It causes everyone to join together even if they are of different religions. Each religion is different but in most religions you are taught to respect other religions and not to judge others for the decisions they make. In the article, Does Religion Really Cause War - And Do Atheists Have Something To Answer For? by Louise Ridley, Ridley has stated, “"I suppose a statement I might agree with is that religion is implicated in most of the worst wars, but to say religion is responsible is a distortion of the evidence," he concludes.” I agree, religion does not cause war but is implicated in most wars but that does not mean it is the full cause of the war. The people who cause the war should be held responsible for their actions, you cannot just blame religion for it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and actions so they must be held responsible for what they …show more content…

Religion teaches us to respect one another and not to just focus on ourselves but on others as well. We are told if we help other out from the goodness of our hearts we will be rewarded in some way. For example, in the Bible it says, “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” Religion gives us moral code and helps us understand one another more. People can argue against this and say we can learn moral code and understanding some other way but the truth is humans can be very selfish and only look out for themselves, “survival of the fittest”. That can also be argued with everyone has a different heart. Everyone does have a different heart but you are not going to learn how to be selfless out of no where, and thats where religion comes in. Religion teaches us all of that and guides us into the right path so we know where we are heading in

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