Does One Outweigh The Negatives Of The Other?

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Do the positives of one outweigh the negatives of the other? Eating healthy and eating fast food both have many positives and negatives to both of them. Many people in this world struggle between eating healthy and eating fast food. The fact that not many people realize the positives and negatives of each of these is a major issue we face in society. However, which one has the greater effect? While you could argue forever that one is better than the other, one is in fact better than the other.
What are the outcomes of eating healthy you might ask? A common question asked when talking about this topic is whether or not eating healthy is more beneficial than eating fast food, even though it is more expensive. The answer to that is yes! While it is more expensive the other outcomes are far greater than those of eating fast food everyday. Eating healthy not only results in you having more energy, but it also lowers your risks …show more content…

Many people believe that eating fast food is cheaper than eating fresh, heart-healthy foods. This is a major misconception in our world. While fast food may be cheaper in the beginning, after eating it everyday or several times a week, it eventually adds up. With that being said, in the end it can result in being much more expensive. Not only does it eventually add up, but with eating unhealthy there comes health risks and issues, resulting in medical bills for the treatment of these issues. Fast food may be more convenient for you to stop and pick up whenever you are in a hurry, but it does not deliver the daily amount of nutrients and proteins that your body needs in order to properly function. Eating at fast food places puts you at a higher risk of developing numerous life threatening diseases. The main diseases and issues faced with eating unhealthy are obesity and heart disease. Another main one that many people do not realize is certain forms of

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