Do the positives of one outweigh the negatives of the other? Eating healthy and eating fast food both have many positives and negatives to both of them. Many people in this world struggle between eating healthy and eating fast food. The fact that not many people realize the positives and negatives of each of these is a major issue we face in society. However, which one has the greater effect? While you could argue forever that one is better than the other, one is in fact better than the other.
What are the outcomes of eating healthy you might ask? A common question asked when talking about this topic is whether or not eating healthy is more beneficial than eating fast food, even though it is more expensive. The answer to that is yes! While it is more expensive the other outcomes are far greater than those of eating fast food everyday. Eating healthy not only results in you having more energy, but it also lowers your risks
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Many people believe that eating fast food is cheaper than eating fresh, heart-healthy foods. This is a major misconception in our world. While fast food may be cheaper in the beginning, after eating it everyday or several times a week, it eventually adds up. With that being said, in the end it can result in being much more expensive. Not only does it eventually add up, but with eating unhealthy there comes health risks and issues, resulting in medical bills for the treatment of these issues. Fast food may be more convenient for you to stop and pick up whenever you are in a hurry, but it does not deliver the daily amount of nutrients and proteins that your body needs in order to properly function. Eating at fast food places puts you at a higher risk of developing numerous life threatening diseases. The main diseases and issues faced with eating unhealthy are obesity and heart disease. Another main one that many people do not realize is certain forms of
We hear it all the time, regarding how fast food is bad for our health, and yet we continue eating it. Life doesn’t slow down and sometimes it is just much easier and better for you timewise to just go through the drive through. In the article “Fighting the Fast Food Habit: Can America Downsize?” it basically says that even though most of the fast food chains and food suppliers are trying to decrease the unhealthy options on their menus, it is too late for it because of our eating habits. We want the unhealthy food. Companies are going to market to what the consumer wants. That’s how they make their profits. To sum it all up, companies are food options it a little healthier, but not for us, they only do as much that is needed for people to keep buying it and still feel like they are eating a little healthier. (Garcia 94) Just because a company says they are making changes doesn’t mean you’re eating healthy. It simply means they are making the food and drinks people are consuming a little healthier, however, it still shouldn’t be considered healthy. They do what they have to do to make money. All in all, you should consider eating less fast food and work toward adopting some good eating
To start us off fast food can cause you multiple health problems. Some issues fast food can cause your body include: obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular conditions and with extreme use, death. Do you want to be getting older with all of these conditions? I think not, customers would tell you the same even though they keep coming back
Eating five to six servings of fruit, choosing whole grains or even just avoiding foods high in density can be a step closer to reducing chances of becoming obese or overweight. Mark Bittman in his article, “Is junk food really cheaper,” argues that Americans are wasting their money on junk food or fast food restaurants when that money could be used towards a healthy home cooked meal. He persuades the readers to have alternatives. Instead of buying McDonalds’ French fries people should get apple slices, instead of drinking sodas drink water, instead of buying junk food get vegetables. Bittman states, “The fact that junk food is cheaper than real food has become a reflexive part of how we explain why so many Americans are overweight, particularly those with lower incomes.” I agree food (fast food) plays a huge role unto why Americans are so overweight. It is because fast food is so convenient and inexpensive to some. Even if a person wanted to eat healthy from a fast food restaurant, salads are more expensive than a burger or chicken nugget meal. How can a person with low income choose the “healthy” way when the healthy way is more expensive? Although fast food can be beneficial more so convenient in the short term, it can be very detrimental in the long term. One man filmed a documentary where he was supposed to eat McDonalds three times a day. Unfortunately during the film, he had to stop because his health started to fail. This shows that fast food is indeed not good for people’s
For example, a bundle at McDonald’s can feed up to four people at one time, and it only costs about fifteen dollars! So, in the long run, it is just easier to go pick up some fast food rather than wasting your time cooking an actual meal. Lastly, even though fast food is very cheap and in every corner, it is not healthy at all. Studies have proven that a person that ate McDonald’s for his meals for a full month ended up having some serious health problems. In conclusion, even though it is very easy to access and very cheap, fast food has some serious health issues and is very harmful.
Nevertheless, some people insist that fast foods, such as chips, hamburgers and fizzy drinks, that are so cheap and tasty, are not a consequence of the health problems. However, I strongly disagree that fast food has no bad impact on people’s health. I believe that fast food has a negative impact on society and, therefore, people must take care of themselves and lead a healthy lifestyle if they do not want to face serious problems with their
How does fast food affect the health of people in the United States? Fast food has definitely played its mind games and tricks on people in the Unites States, making people want more and more of the unhealthy and spurious food that fast food restaurants provide. Out of all of the horrible issues in the US, the biggest one affects the health of the people in the United States. This involves gaining massive amounts of weight, otherwise known as becoming obese. Fast food makes obesity happen.
Which is why I do not agree with Kelly Haws’s argument. While Haws only focused on one reason of why healthy=expensive, I say that we need to take a much deeper look into this. When it comes to low income family, childhood obesity is increasing in a rapid rate. Because children don’t have a choice of what or when to eat, they fully depend on their family, which turn them into victims of childhood obesity. A recent article was published call “Fast Food Is a Major Cause of Childhood Obesity” written by Meghan M. Kluge, where she explains the different factors of what can cause childhood obesity. As a today we can say that parents are taking less time on cooking because they have such a busy schedule, which can be the main cause of why children and teens are buying more and more junk
It is often said that eating out is less expensive than cooking a meal at home (Muntel 1). People buy fast food to get food fast (Ervin 1). Fast food restaurants are located virtually everywhere, making it an easy option. Fast food is cheap, and usually a person can get a great deal for just a dollar. Many people treat themselves to a fast food dessert, because it is easy and usually tastes better than making it at home, but it is also more unhealthy (Muntel 1).
First of all, Fast food is a major cause of obesity as proven by the research of health experts. The video "Supersize Me" shows how a guy went on a 30 day challenge of eating only McDonald's for every meal of the day, for the whole 30 days. He was an active and healthy person before he started the challenge. After doing the challenge, he almost died because of how unhealthy the food was. He gained a lot of weight and his blood pressure skyrocketed.
Yes, the cheeseburger may be only two bucks, versus the eight dollar salad, but try looking at it from a different perspective. The health problems that come from a poor diet will cost you a fortune if you happen to develop a health-based disease that you could 've potentially avoided. Diet supplements, medication, personal trainers, and gastric bypass are just a few expenses for those who live an unhealthy lifestyle. A statistic from Mark Hyman helps prove this point. "Healthcare costs related to obesity are $118 billion per year. That 's nearly 12 percent of total healthcare expenditures." That is money taken straight from the pockets of consumers and is wasted on bad decisions. The reason healthier foods are so much more expensive is because they are packed full of vitamins and energizing calories that you need a lot less food to satisfy hunger. This is where the term "empty calories" comes from. When you eat foods that are not nutrient rich, it will inevitably take more food to fill you
It is obvious that eating healthy foods would keep you healthier than eating junk foods, and according to an article by NutritionMD, “A healthy diet can help prevent cancer, since up to 60% of cancer cases are diet-related. Healthy foods can also help you maintain a healthy weight.” NIDDK also says that “overweight and obesity may increase the risk of many health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and certain cancers.” Obesity can lead to many things that can cause death, and it can be changed by just eating healthier. Eating a healthy lunch can prevent diseases and obesity, and overall maintains your
“Healthy eating” means eating a variety of foods that gives you the nutrients you need to maintain your health, feeling good with your health conditions, and having enough energy throughout the day (Nordqvist). A poor diet can cause harm a person’s daily life activities. Research from Eating Healthy Might Prove Too Expensive for Poor ABC News shows, that the price of eating healthy foods may be expensive to a family who earns a low-income. So, eating fast foods may be more convenient for them knowing that the prices are way less. However, everyone should make the effort to stop eating foods that will later on harm your health. As mentioned in the article “Healthy Eating”, “Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically
Food has been known as an unavoidable component of life which makes it a basic necessity. There are two main types of foods:healthy food and fast food. Although they have some similarities ,there are a lot of differences between them. Healthy foods provoke energy and decrease the risk of so many diseases. On the contrary, fast foods are high in sugar and fat, which may lead to many health issues like heart and liver diseases. They both can be tasty and have several varieties to choose . On the other hand,there are two main differences between the two types. The first one is related to health . The second one is related to cost.
One of the effects is that junk food contains a high amount of unhealthy ingredients. The sugar and oil in junk food gives the body extra calories that the body doesn’t need which will later be unhealthy fats. Fast food also contains high number of calories and sugar, which does not gives the body any nutritional value. Junk food has a high amount of sodium, which will increase the risks of heart diseases. According to Eric Schlosser (n.d) in “The bad effects of fast food,” that fast food is popular because its convenient, it’s cheap, and it tastes good, But the real cost of eating fast food never appears on the menu. Your body and health should mean a lot to you, you should keep it clean and healthy. To do that
Staying healthy and eating right is a lifestyle that many people should consider. A juicy hamburger from McDonalds dripping with special sauce topped with cheese is not exactly considered a healthy meal. Our society today is busy and on the go at all times. It is so much easier to stop and get fast food and then continue on. However, we should stop and think; is it really worth it to not eat right and exercise?