Do We Have Or Should There Be Life On Mars?

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Humans have always been fascinated with life on other planets and mars is the top dog when it comes to life on it. Humans have been speculative to whether Mars has or had life on it. Even though space travel would be an improvement Mars is too dry, too cold, and Mars rotates out of control so there will never be life on Mars because it is too extreme.
First of all, Mars has very little water and oxygen. The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere on earth is .210 MB, however the amount of oxygen on mars is only .0013. This can have some dramatic effects on this planet. Also Mars has water but it is in ice form and cannot melt because it is too cold. This is a massive drawback for Mars because all the life on earth has to have water to survive. Therefore if no water is on the planet life cannot survive. People do think that Mars did have water millions of years ago, however that does not mean anything because even though the planet might of had water it does not mean life can survive now. Water and oxygen are the main foundations for life and if a planet does not …show more content…

Just because a planet has water and oxygen does not mean it will have life. This is because life cannot just be thrown into a very cold planet. Life would have to adapt and evolve to resist the cold, which can take millions of years. For example Humans evolved because they needed tools to defend themselves from other species. This took around two million years to evolve, so just imagine how long it will take to adapt to the freezing temperatures of Mars. The reason for this cold is the lack of CO2 in the atmosphere. The atmosphere of Mars is incredibly thin so most of the UV rays just bounce back into space and few stay on the planet. What needs to happen is that CO2 needs to be released into the atmosphere to make it thicker so the UV rays can stay in the planet to heat it. Mars seems promising, however one of the biggest killers is the extreme cold of

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