Diversity In The Workplace

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We are all the products of our upbringings and experiences so it is only natural that we will all have a difference in opinion on a wide range of subjects. The world would be a very boring place if we were all the same. The diversity among people throughout the world makes it such a great place. Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization as well as the respect among coworkers. The demographics of the American workforce have changed over the last 50 years. In the 1950s, more than 60% of the American workforce consisted of white males. They were typically the sole breadwinners in the household, expected to retire by age 65 and spend their retirement years in leisure activities. Today, the American …show more content…

A serious commitment to diversity can be rewarding for both the business and its employees. Diverse work teams promote innovation and creativity, and they can help a company expand its customer base, identify unique market opportunities and avoid marketing mistakes. Driving a successful diversity strategy begins with the senior leaders, but to be fully sustainable it needs to be lived by every one of us. If that seems challenging, think about this: many leading researchers and social scientists have proven a link between diversity and productivity. In the United States, management researchers found that when people work directly with someone with at least one diverse trait, it challenges them to prepare more and work harder (https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/241553 Anka Wittenberg, Jan 9, …show more content…

As the world gets smaller, diversity doesn’t only mean differences in gender and race, but also in age and geography. Our world has become so technologically connected that successful companies find that to bring together these connections they have to quickly innovate. The connections are important for our global workforce because innovation advances when we are faced with things that are new to us. Diversity makes business more last longer because people do not think or act the exact same way. For this reason, when you bring a group of people together for the very first time, you have the possibility of misunderstanding or maybe even conflict. When well managed, these differences can lead to better performance by employees, teams and organizations. Research has shown that when we reject diversity it can weaken

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