Discussion Questions On Othello '

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Othello Question Answers


It seems like Desdemona and Cassio are having an affair. In reality, they're not.
It seems like Cassio slips far from Desdemona once he sees othello returning. In reality, Cassio was simply talking to Desdemona to talk to othello about being reinstating him as lieutenant.
Iago and Cassio was talking about Bianca, his mistress however it seems like they were talking and laughing about his affair with Desdemona

Brabantio: Believing that he's isolated and guarded from the difficulties of the world, he's shocked to be told that his daughter has gone off with othello. There's a shock that Brabantio expresses about the "wrong" that has been done to him. This manifests itself into a kind of jealous behavior directed at othello. He's also jealous over how othello understands his daughter better than he does. It's out of the question that his daughter would go against his own will. However in reality she does go against his will and therefore Brabantio is jealous. …show more content…

Iago: His inability to simply accept the conditions of the world around him cause him to be jealous. he's jealous attributable to Cassio's promotion. He cannot reconcile the very fact that somebody like Cassio would receive a promotion when he perceives himself to be so much more worthy. He's also jealous at the mere hint that othello has been involved with emilia. iago concedes that he doesn't know if the rumor is true, however it becomes clear that jealousy has already taken a hold of iago without

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