Discussion About Volcanoes

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1. In order to peak the students interest the lesson will begin with a short video of a volcano erupting. After showing the video ask students what they think we will be learning about today. Through a little class discussion it should be established that we will be learning about volcanoes. At this point ask the students to pull out their science notebooks and write down three questions that they would like to know about volcanoes. Once everyone has their questions written down, ask the students to get into their science groups. Show the students the 3 Volcanoes Slide, one volcano at a time. Remind the students to pay very close attention to each volcano and note the similarities and differences between each. In their groups have the students write a brief (no more than 2 sentences) description of each volcano and give each one a name. Once all the groups are done have a short classroom discussion about each groups descriptions and names. At this point the students do not know the actual names of the three types of volcanoes. Tell the class that they will be referring back to their descriptions as they research and learn about the three types of volcanoes.
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Students will then proceed to three stations. At each station there is room for two groups. Each station will last approximately 15 minutes. Station 1 will include volcano books, encyclopedias, science magazines, and any other paper sources related to volcanoes. At this station the students will look through the resources to try and learn about the three types of volcanoes. There will be a book specific to each type of volcano so that students can find the names in order to research in the other sources. Station 2 will be a computer station. At this station the students will be researching about the three types of volcanoes from a provided list of websites. Station 3 will be a whiteboard station. At this station the students will be using researching with an interactive slide show at Math/Science

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