Discuss The Advantages And Disadvantages Of The South In The Civil War

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How did the north and the south had advantages and disadvatages in the Civil War. Well the North had an advatage because they had more railroads more than the south the north had 20,000 railroad miles and the south had 10,000 another advatage that the north had is that they had a bigger population than the south the north had 350,000 people that surved and then 200,000 so north had a bigger advantage. Another advantage that the north had is that they had a navy and the south didnt have a navy so the north took over the missisippi river and the rivers where important to the union and the confederancey because the confederates didnt have much railroads so they had to relay on rivers so then the union took over all the rivers in the seige of vicksburg in july 4th 1863. The disavantages of the North/Union, one disavantages that the union had was that the union was fighting somewhere they havent even been to. Like for example there comunication in the south was poor and long supply lines. Another disadvantange on the north had was that they had weak motivation they wern’t fighting for a cause i mean they were but they were fighting for the end of slavery because they knew it wasnt right and it needed to be stopped. Another disadvantage that the north had was that they would believe the war would end …show more content…

Another advantages that the south had was that their soldiers had been trained enough that they were skilled with guns and horses because they lived in rural areas. Another advantage that the south had on the north was that they had strong motivation because they were fighting for their rights and what they stood for. Another advantage that the south had was that they had outstanding military officers because they were most of them had have experince from the Mexican War. And that they went to military school to

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