Discrimination in The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

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It has been 153 years since the start of Civil War, and although it ends but it never dies. Racism is one of the most controversial issues that happened in America. The Civil War ended in 1865, but did not put an end to the suffering of African-Americans, and for more years many laws were passed that oppressed them even more. Because of their eagerness to have freedom and rights, it ended in a bloody way and many leaders of the movement were killed. They shed blood because of their devotions for their fellow men. For over hundred years, people are expected to be more mature and open-minded. As years passed, laws against racial discrimination help minimize the problem. One of this is the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the nation’s piece of legislation that outlawed discrimination of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, required equal access to public places and employment, and enforced desegregation of schools and the right to vote (Civil Rights Act of 1964). Racial discrimination started towards black, but it is now spreading throughout the world to different races and different countries in a different manner. Although the kind of racial discrimination that the African-Americans experienced before is not what the present times experience now, but this kind of problem is not totally vanished. Inequality and the way people treat others can be a kind of discrimination. Discrimination based on race becomes a global issue these days. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison also contributes how this issue affects from a child’s perspective.
It is disappointing to know that racism issue is spreading throughout the world. People don’t seem to realize how this provocative language affects a person. In Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye it menti...

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... human beings are tend to be racist at some point of their lives, they may not think they never had been, but even little things can be considered as racist. We make mistakes, and even if we try to avoid it, it is implanted in our inner self to be racist. And even though we had laws that were passed, it still doesn’t change the fact that we live in a cruel world, where people are prejudice and ignorant.

Works Cited

Shelby, Tommie. “It’s the Economy.” The New York Book Review 16 Feb. 2014: 19(L). Literature Resource Center. Web. 17 Mar. 2014
Rorty, Richard. “Color-Blind in the Marketplace.” New York Times Book Review (24 Sept. 1995). Rpt. in Literature Resource Center. Detroit: Gale, 2014. Literature Resource Center. Web. 17 Mar. 2014
"Civil Rights Act of 1964." Civil Rights Act of 1964 (1981): 3. Document.
Shah, Anup. Global Issue. n.d. Document. 27 April 2014.

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