Discrete Mathematics Essay

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Mathematical reasoning that to nowadays represents more essential to said verbal reasoning, plays a fundamental role in the development of our life and the progress of humanity. Areas such as, physics, social sciences, management and computer science. But in computing, we need more of a particular branch of the so-called mathematics: discrete mathematics. Discrete mathematics has become popular thanks to their applications in computer science. Notations and concepts of discrete mathematics are used to study problems in algorithmic and programming.


From the historical point of view, computing has roots dating back to the mathematics of antiquity, through two main currents: algorithms, which systematizes the notion …show more content…

These are intended for a human calculator, but their systematic nature already foreshadows what will serve to lay the first foundations of computer science. In parallel, at the turn of the 20th century, the axiomatic current conquers many branches of mathematics, with for corollary of the methodological questions giving rise to a new discipline - mathematical logic. This current will be issues in particular a general theory of computability (Post, Turing, Kleene, and Church) and several theories of the demonstration (Gentzen, Herbrand, and Heyting). These theories are the second basis of computing: as soon as it will be necessary to formalize the notion of defining languages of programming specific to the unambiguous expression of algorithms, algorithm to verify the consistency of languages and programs, they will prove particularly valuable.

The discrete mathematics provides a rich and varied source of problems for exploration and communication. Discrete mathematics also helped to analyse and have several types of reasoning such as logical thinking (logic used in mathematics statements and arguments), relational thinking (solving a mathematical problem and describe the relationships), quantitative thinking (counting the element), analytical thinking (algorithms) and recursive …show more content…

As in other areas, progress is based on number of clever and innovative ideas, an abstraction of mathematical nature, and relative distancing with respect to the technology of the moment. It 's the kind that could hatch most of the major innovations that have shaped the computer landscape. It should be noted that the fact that several branches 'unnecessary ' long considered pure mathematics but at least recognised as having some "depth", found unexpected applications in computer science. A historical source consists of very theoretical needs of understanding of formal calculations underlying mathematical analysis. It is thanks to these achievements that the public can now have the Internet, the Web, DVD, mobile phone,

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