Disadvantages Of Solid Waste Management

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Solid waste management is one of the important problems in the developing countries all over the world. The people at different areas or countries lack access to proper and routine removal of garbage and cleanliness at their surrounding environment. Solid waste disposal is the major issue in developing countries due to the population number of the country, poverty and high urbanization rates.
Municipal solid waste can be defined as a sewage emission created within and disposal of by a municipality including household garbage, commercial refuge and dead animals.
Solid waste includes paper, vegetable matter, plastics, metals, rubber, textiles, and glass. Waste causes health risks to the general public and government workers. Waste generation …show more content…

It is the end product of the breakdown of organic matter by earthworms. Contains water-soluble nutrients and used for treatment of sewage sludge.

Fig. 7 Vermicomposting process

Advantage of vermicomposting:
1. Help in improving soil aeration, in water holding capacity and enriching the soil with microorganisms.
2. Benefits the plant by enhancing plant growth, germination and crop yield.
3. Vermicompost can be mixed directly into the soil and works as a soil conditioner.
4. Its production also reduces greenhouse gas emissions such as methane, nitric oxide and helps to close the gap through recycling waste on-site.

Benefits and Uses:
• Improved manure handling
• Improved land application
• Weed seed destruction
• Pathogen destruction
• Lower risk of pollution problem
• Excellent soil conditioner
• Possible saleable product.
The benefits of adding compost to the soil lies in its ability to increase soil organic matter level and the nutrients to the roots of plants at a slower rate over a long period of

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