Disadvantages Of Group Therapy Essay

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Groups help those that have been taken advantage of to talk about what happened to them with people in the group, in doing so they can sense sensitive liberation. The other participants can support each other by centering on solving any current, challenging conducts if they tried to do by themselves would be tough. "Victims of abuse whether it is physical, psychological, sexual, or neglect have a number of common characteristics such as low self-esteem, self-blame, unresolved anger, and an inability to trust". Talking about what happen with those who have gone through the same thing and people relating with each other is a huge beneficial meaning. When people who suffer from being abused join a group; it aids them to halt the progression of seclusion which is very mutual in this type of group helping them to relate in a strong, energetic method. So often the people of the group have become fighters to gain their freedom from the abuse. They start to think of the group as fresh families where the parents are supportive and as they grow they help others gain their freedom. When the group is formed it is suggested that only six people are allowed in the group; giving each victim to have time to talk and relate with each other. Treatment groups for …show more content…

They are usually distracting and objective; even though therapists try to get the people to talk to each other, they guide the course of the discussions but do not give advice on how to solve the problems. If a person is weary of people group therapy is not something they should do, it would cause them to remove themselves from the group because of their terrors. There are times when people end up clashing because of distinctive traits, causing a lot of ill effects. This could cause the group to be unsuccessful. Nevertheless, therapists are skilled to take care of these problems. No matter how much the therapist tries to get a client to join a group, it is totally up to the

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