Differentiated Instruction

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Differentiated Instruction through Technology Differentiated instruction is important for any classroom. For those who are not familiar with the term, differentiated instruction is when a teacher uses all different types of teaching methods to reach the multiple types of learners throughout the classroom, such as visual, auditory, and tactile. Differentiated instruction is not, however, making several different lesson plans for each student or used only for students who are “different”, says Nancy Frey, but its goal is to create more awareness to the talents, needs, and interests of the students in the classroom (2015). There are many ways to differentiate instruction in the classroom, however, this essay is going to focus solely on one; technology. …show more content…

In my classroom, I plan on using at least three different pieces of technology as differentiated instructional tools. My first tool is a smart board. Smart boards are a fantastic tool to use for differentiated instruction because it works with all different types of learning styles. A smart board uses visual, auditory, and tactile learning all in one because it has the ability to use text, pictures, video, sounds, and music all while students are able to physically interact with the smart board (Beeland, n.d.). My second tool of choice are videos, whether they are an educational program, movie clips, or instructional videos I create for my students. By using videos for differentiated learning it aids to those students who are visual and auditory learners. Lastly, I would utilize computers with my students as well. Computers are able to assist in all different types of leaners, especially tactile because using a computer allows students to be hands on and involved with their learning. By selecting all three of these pieces of technology to use in my classroom I have provided excellent tools to create differentiated instruction in my

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