Differences in Relationships Between Western and Non-Western Cultures

891 Words2 Pages

Differences in Relationships Between Western and Non-Western Cultures

Most of the research on interpersonal attraction has been carried out

in Western societies, especially the United Kingdom and United States.

This limitation is very important as it argues that the behaviour and

communication need to be understood within the context in which they

occur, and this context considerably differs from one culture to

another. Therefore we can readily accept that there are large

differences in interpersonal relationships between cultures.

Its quite easy to assume that what is true in our own culture about

interpersonal attraction is likely to be true in other cultures as

well. However, the factors influencing whether someone is seen as

physically attractive can sometimes be by the current standards of the

social group, which are considered sub-cultures.

Anderson et al. studied the preference of female body size in 54

cultures. They divided these cultures the extent of the food supply ad

the preferences for different body sizes were divided into heavy body,

moderate body and slender body. Findings showed that in areas where

there was a very unreliable food supply the male population preferred

the heavy body size by 71% and in areas where food was very reliable

the male population preferred the slender body by 40%. With the

Western culture's obsession with slimness in women it may come as a

surprise that heavy women are more attractive especially in areas

where there is little or very little food, however, they would be seen

as better equipped to survive in food shortages and to provide

nourishment for their children.

This research ...

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... carries shame on both parties and their

families. This is a clear example of collectivist values. Simmel

(1971) argues that individualism is associated with higher divorce

rates as it encourages the individual to constantly seek their ideal

partner. In Poland, where divorce rates are very low it is usually

women who file for divorce usually due to maltreatment caused by

husbands' alcohol abuse. However, in Saudi Arabia, a man does not have

to give a reason for divorcing his wife, but the wife can only

initiate a divorce if this is specifically stated in the marriage

contract as being allowed (Minai 1981).

Problems with non-Western results are that they can be inaccurate due

to communication difficulties. For example, some exact translations

can be impossible and certain emphasises may be missed or


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