Differences Between The Movie Troy And The Iliad

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INTRODUCTION During the Hollywood movie Troy, the accuracy of plot events, characters, settings, costumes and weapons differ from the historical Iliad and Odyssey written by Homer in 1260BC. There are a number of reasons for these changes including film popularity, production budgets and a lack of knowledge and accuracy regarding actual events. An example of this is how long the war lasted in the movie compared to the Iliad. During the Movie, the war only lasted for 17 days, however in the Iliad, it lasted up to 10 years. This allows age to not become a factor throughout the movie so actors can look the same for the entirety of the film. Scene of a war scene where helmets can be seen and when someone gets stabbed with a sword through armour. The costuming during the film varies a lot from the costuming mentioned in the Iliad. The …show more content…

(show boats arriving) this change in distance is mostly down to economical budgets however the director has used this to create increased suspense when the thousands of ships can be seen on the horizon, filled with 100000 Greek warriors. Another element of this scene that doesn’t match up to the Iliad is the huge number of ships sailing towards Troy. Homer claims that 1000 ships sailed to Troy and even this number doesn’t match up with evidence of historians. The massive walls seen during this scene are also not accurate as historical tales suggest that these walls did not exceed 3m. The walls bordering Troy that are seen as nearly 12m high in the film were just not plausible for these times. This massive height gap was used to emphasise the division between the two armies. There is really no other reason the director has made these changes in the film Troy apart from budget, and as all the differences are observed it becomes clear that the film was moulded and catered to appeal to a modern day

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