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Review of related literature the good and bad effects of peer pressure on teenager
Effects of peer pressure on teenagers
Conformity and rebellion can affect people's lives
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In the lectures on rebellion and conformity, adolescents going through their teenage years either choose to conform to adult social values or expectations or choose to rebel against them. Many different societies in this world have their own sets of cultural, religious and political views, but the transitional period from childhood to adolescence makes the teenager choose between rebelling or conforming to societal norms. As a child grows into their adolescents years they are given freedom by their parents. This freedom comes with responsibility to obey parent and society's norms. In my opinion, teenagers choose to obey to these guidelines society and their parents have created and this is when they have decided to choose conformity while those who do not conform to this are rebelling against these norms. There are many factors that contribute to conformity and rebellion that teenagers act on. Some factors include the influence …show more content…
This close group of friends influence the adolescent on their attitude and actions they take on towards different aspects of life. As a teenager chooses the group they want to hang out, they can choose the wrong crowd which can influence the teenager to break societal norms and become a troublemaker. From my own experience, adolescents who disobey society and their family are not fulfilled in their life and find excitement in rebellion. Parent's decision to be strict towards their children only realize that their child is going through a transitional period and that trusting them will make the teenager to rebel less towards their parents. On the other hand, when an adolescent individual is given too many rules to follow they will rebel against society and their family. The peer group the teenager follows will replace the important role family once occupied. Now, the teenager's values and behaviour is defined by this group of
As a teenager we are all looking to be accepted by our peers and will do whatever it is they want us to so we can be accepted. That is to say the feeling of needing to be accepted by ones peers is done consciously; the person starts to do what their friends do without thinking about it. (Teen 3) In fact, teens are more likely to be affected by peer pressure because they are trying to figure out who they are. (How 1) Therefore, they see themselves as how their peers would view them so they change to fit their peer’s expectations. (How 1) Secondly, the feeling of needing to rebel and be someone that isn’t who their parents are trying to make them be affects them. (Teen 2) Thus, parents are relied on less and teens are more likely to go to their peers about their problems and what choices to make. (How 1) Also, their brains are not fully matured and teens are less likely to think through their choices thoroughly before doing it. (Teen 6) Lastly, how a child is treated by his peers can affect how they treat others; this can lead them into bullying others who are different. (Teen 3) Consequently this can affect a teen into doing something good or bad; it depends who you surround yourself with.
Conformity means a change in one’s behavior due to the real or imagined influence of other people. As a teenager, the pressure to conform to the societal “norm” plays a major role in shaping one’s character. Whether this means doing what social groups want or expect you to do or changing who you are to fit in. During class, we watched films such as Mean Girls, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and The Breakfast Club which demonstrate how the pressure to conform into society can change who you are. In the movies we have seen, conformity was most common during high school.
Everybody wants to be accepted, yet society is not so forgiving. It bends you and changes you until you are like everyone else. Society depends on conformity and it forces it upon people. In Emerson's Self Reliance, he says "Society is a joint stock company, in which the members agree, for the better securing of his bread to each shareholder, to surrender the liberty and culture of the eater." People are willing to sacrifice their own hopes and freedoms just to get the bread to survive. Although the society that we are living in is different than the one the Emerson's essay, the idea of fitting in still exists today. Although society and our minds make us think a certain way, we should always trust our better judgment instead of just conforming to society.
The definition of conformity is the compliance with social standards and laws in a particular culture, environment, society and time. If this occurs the individual changes their attitudes, beliefs or actions to align more holistically with those in the surrounding groups and environment, as a result of real or perceived group pressure. This is ultimately a direct result of the power which a group has over the individual. There are two types of conformity, normative conformity, and informational conformity. The motivation behind normative conformity is the desire to be liked and accepted in society. This is most widely known as peer pressure. For example, a student begins smoking because their peers
As we grow up we are told to be individuals, but once we grow up we obey authority figures and change our beliefs to fit in with others. No matter what age we are we will always comply to a behavior or belief to fit in with a group different than ours or to be liked. We do not like to be judged or looked at as an outsider; this will remain the same in which ever situation we find ourselves in. Whether it be in a professional setting such as work or a social setting with friends. When thinking of conformity and obedience we mostly think of cults and prisons but it is not always the case.
According to Steinberg (2014) adolescents is a time of growing up, of moving from the immaturity of childhood into the maturity of adulthood, of preparation for the future. It is a period of transitions: biological, psychological, and social. Adolescence can begin as early as ten years of age and not end until the adolescent is in their early twenties. It is important to note that adolescent development occurs at different times for each individual. Therefore, students in the same grade that are around the same age may be going through different developmental stages of adolescents. The purpose of this analysis paper is to discuss the different stages of adolescent development, how they affect the maturity of the students and to determine
... instead of following the majority. The issue of peer pressure can relate to teens, as they are in constant pressure to be ‘cool’ or to be in the ‘in’ group. It does not really promote individualism, so people cannot develop their own ideas but rather follow the leader of their group.
The term I chose to research was conformity. It is a way of following what others do either by peer pressure or not knowing certain information. Conformity impacts everyone socially and physically and is needed for the culture of others. We think and create different deciding factors for our decisions when impacted by conformity. There is two different types of conformity called Normative and Informational conformity which are both backed up by studies, one is helpful while I'd say the other one isn't. Then we read about an article on teen conformity that was informational and helpful. Even after all the research studied, I had questions that can or can not be answered yet.
Conformity is vital to people’s life. Humans, being compound animals, live in a culture that works as a whole. Therefore, if there is a fault, the whole system might disintegrate. So, people are obligated to respect the affairs of others so that they can stay together as a whole. On the other hand Individuality, just like conformity, is necessary to life even despite the fact that modern person may not understand its worth. At one point people may want to be special from all the rest in one way or the other. As a result individuals might dress a bit in a different way as well as choose to do things we actually like. And, for on one occasion, we might create the opinions based on what we actually feel. However, earlier or later we are required to curb our impulsive desires so that society or culture does not tag us as eccentric or else weird, simply for the reason that people fear being alone.
Biological influences combined with societal and social expectations contribute to how well people learn to adapt to their environments (2013). According to Erikson, there are eight stages of development. Within these states, there are different psychological, emotional and cognitive tasks. In order to adjust, individuals must learn to develop these tasks. During adolescence, Erikson states that each person needs to navigate through the development task of ‘‘Identity vs. Identity confusion ’’ (2013). He defined this task by stating that adolescent children must learn to develop a sense of self and establish independence. Prior to this stage of development, a person’s parents largely influence their identity. In this stage the adolescent children begin to explore and develop their identity outside of their parents’ influence (Hill, Bromell, Tyson, & Flint, 2007). Adolescents are generally more egocentric at this stage and have an increased sense of self-consciousness. They also have a strong desire to conform to peer influence and develop concerns regarding their appearance. They develop concern about their level of competence in relation to their peer group as well. As peer influence increases, during this stage, parental influence decreases (Ashford & LeCroy, 2013; Hill et. al, 2007). Conflict generally increases between parent and child at this stage of development (2007).
Throughout our life, it can be marked by developmental changes in every domain of life: our physical, cognitive, social, personalities, and morals. Due to some important researchers such as Erickson, Freud, Piaget we are able to understand the development of each of these domains. Each stage of it’s life has it’s own difficulties and events that can determine a person’s life (Mogler, 2008). During the stages of adolescence, they are very vulnerable to a lot going on in their life such as fitting in, peers, family, school, activities, and society, and not to forget the ups and downs of puberty. Adolescence can be viewed as a huge part of many children’s lives where in this part of their life they try to find teenagers experience physical, cognitive,
Youth in today's society feel a need to be rebellious because of individualism and peer pressure from role models. Youth in the 90's want to be like their favorite actor or actress, they want to be well liked and popular with others, and they want to be an individual doing their own thing; but what are the factors that contribute to youth's rebelliousness?
Adding on to that, when we were kids, we would say no, but we said the word unconsciously. We haven’t fully understood the term “rebel” that is portrayed through our actions. Now, I am not saying that everyone is like this when they were teenagers, but I am certain that everyone has said no to their parents or an elder at least once. Secondly, when kids turn into teenagers, they also tend to be somewhat more aware of their surroundings and are most attracted to whatever movement there is that seems rebellious.... ... middle of paper ... ...
When I was growing up, I barely had friends. I can relate to teenage rebellion but I am against the situation. I feel that teenager’s rebel against their parents because they see someone else doing it. How can you transition so quickly from obeying your parents as a child to being disobedient? I believe that if your parent’s raised you well and you know your right from wrong. As teens get older, they start to want their own independence. Parents can certainly give them their own independence, but to a certain extent. “But her mother/father let her” or “But his mother/father let him”, said any pleading teenager
Teens have more pressure to be cool, and to be accepted that's what makes them rebel of do what mom or dad had always told them not to do. They may know that it is wrong but it is all about looking cool for that second, or being safe and listen to your parents. Actually, when you are faced with a situation that you know is wrong you don't think about what your parents will think until you have already completed it and there is no turning back. Then there comes the punishment. That makes the teen rebel more and do more things to be "cool" and doesn't care.