Differences And Similarities Between 1984 And Harrison Bergeron

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Most dystopian literature have the same type of set up they either use propaganda to control the society freedoms are restricted citizens live in a dehumanized state and citizens seem to be under constant surveillance like in the book 1984, the selection from Harrison Bergeron and the movie the matrix. The type of society that 1984 was a society that was always under surveillance with posters to remind you that “Big Brother is watching you” they use news speak to limit their expression their freedoms where took away if the police even thought you were planning to overrun the government they would kill you the entire state was run by an inner party. The story Harrison Bergeron was a society that felt as though everybody has to be equal in every way if you could do something better than someone else they would give what is called a handicap to make you not really be able to do things the way you would normally be able to do or carry around a bag of birdshot. What Vonnegut was basicity saying that everybody is not created equal and it would be unnatural to try to make everyone the same. The matrix centers on the concept that the known world is just an …show more content…

The government in Harrison Bergeron does everything in their power to try and hinder Harrison they forced him to wear huge head phones to distort his thinking glasses to damage his sight and hundreds and hundreds of pounds of metal to weigh him down caps on his teeth. The matrix is very controlled everyone in the matrix is hooked up to a large computer made by artificial intelligences to keep the mind of the human race under control while they serve as organic power sources for the machines that they

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