Difference Between Determinism And Free Will

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Determinism vs. Free Will
People believe that we have free-will since we are capable of deciding our own fate; however, everything you have done, are doing, and will do is subject to determinism. Although philosophers have debated between free-will and determinism for centuries, it is clear to me that determinism can’t be argued against in the long run. Because people believe they have a choice in most actions in life, they fail to understand that those “actions” were influenced by prior events. Your life will be determined for you, not by fate or by your own free-will, but by the persuasion of life before your present.
If we don’t have free-will then how come someone can decide to sit here, and read this essay without anyone telling you what to do? People see this paper and have a choice to …show more content…

It’s understandable that environmental factors can sway you to a certain extent, but at the end of the day we determine whether we let it affect us or not. Free-will rules over determinism, because we have the choice to pick our own path.
Maybe no one can tell you what to do, but subconsciously your mind can. It does sound like I’m proving your point by saying what I said, but your mind works hard to put previous information gathered from experience to make your decisions. In the video, “Determinism vs Free Will: Crash Course Philosophy #24,” by Crash Course they reiterate, “The difference between the causes of human actions and the causes of physical events - like a bat hitting a ball - is that our actions have all sorts of invisible causes.” Yes, you have the choice to pick up the paper, but behind your choice lies many causes. Maybe you picked up this paper because you’re a teacher ready to grade it, or a custodian who is just cleaning the room. Even if you didn’t pick it up there would still be a reason as to why you didn’t. You can argue that you read it half-way and stopped reading, because you became bored, and that was from

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