Did Dinosaurs Get Extinct That Day

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Did you ever know how the dinosaurs get extinct that day?

It could have been a comet or an asteroid that hit the dinosaurs and ended the life of dinosaurs. If a comet's killed them it will not happen in an fast time lapse
. It mystery how they got killed that day and it a good life for them and they died. They had a long life over the 1,000,000s years.

Question: do you know how they die on years on and on?

Volcanacos,they can kill them but if there are bones still left out there. All the bones will be gone and never reacher there life. If a volcano's explode a big hole will be in the earth long time ago. These bones will not be able to find all over the world too. And they can run fare to not get heat.

Floods that can happen and it

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