Dialogue Essay: The Raven And The Watchman By Arthur Miller

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The argument grew more and more heated until everyone had settled down. The Raven spoke. Everyone was stunned because he never ever said a word in his life; “Everyone settle down, say aye if you do not wish to stay. The Beaver wagged his tail and said aye. The Cormorant grunts and said aye. The Orca flopped around and said aye. The Owl spun her head around and said aye. The only one that didn't agree was the Watchman since it is his duty to keep the pole in place, he was entitled the leader. Raven having no choice changed her mind from staying to wanting to explore. The Beaver without hesitation left in a rush. A few hours after the Beaver left the pole area, he reached his destination. The train station of the Canadian Pacific Railroad. The Raven secretly follows Beaver around from a distance gave a …show more content…

All of a sudden comes rushing a train and Raven cuts through the wind and give Beaver a push out of the way. “I can’t believe you came a save me” says Beaver. “It is not for us to visit this sinful world and roam around” replied Raven. The Beaver all scared sheds a tear and accepts that he does not belong to live with humans and vanishes back to the pole. Raven travels to seek Cormorant. Riding a boat and chilling on the roof. One of the crew out of the fishermen shouted “BIG FISH!” and he caught everyone’s attention. Raven hovers over the “Big Fish” and was shocked that it was Orca. The boat headed straight to Orca and Cormorant was blasted with the signal of the loud horn. Fishermen’s cast a net over the right side of the boat and got Orca all tied up. Cormorant tosses his sunglasses away and comes flying trying to free Orca. Raven cuts through the wind and the net to save Orca. Cormorant in shock, followed Raven to a nearby shore as well as Orca. Both confesses to Raven and concludes that they should not be amongst with other humans. They both vanish back to the pole. Meanwhile back at the

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