Dia De Los Muerto Similarities

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During the month of October most recognize this month to contain the holiday Halloween. Kids and Adults most know that this holiday contains trick-or-treating, bobbing for apples, and parties but most don't know the history and significance. Another holiday celebrated in October and continues through the beginning of November is El Día de los Muertos. Both holidays revolve around each other and have its own similarities and differences. These two holidays are both great and have great history. Starting with Halloween it all started with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain this is when people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off roaming ghosts. In the eighth century, Pope Gregory III designated November 1st as a time to honor …show more content…

Dia de los Muertos is celebrated on All Saints Day and All Souls Day, which are minor holidays in the Catholic calendar. November 1 is All Saints Day in the Catholic Church, and this is when deceased children are honored and remembered. November 2, All Souls Day, is for the remembrance of the adult that have died. Although it is strongly identified with Mexico, Dia de los Muertos is celebrated throughout Latin America and everywhere with a Latino population, including some parts of the U.S. Dia de los Muertos honors the dead with festivals and lively celebrations this is typically from Latin American custom that combines indigenous Aztec ritual with Catholicism, brought to the region by Spanish conquistadors. In their customs mourning or being sad about death is almost like insulting death. Instead Dia de los Muertos celebrates the lives of the deceased with food, drink, parties, and activities that the passed ones enjoyed in their life. Dia de los Muertos recognizes death as a natural part of the human experience. Before this date usually a space is set up in each family’s house and is cleaned up, the usual furniture is removed to make room for the altar. Altars are also often also set up in public buildings or plazas, schools, and workplaces. The altar table is set with ofrendas (offerings) and are all usually things that the spirit loved during its life. The traditional offerings placed …show more content…

The Day of the Dead actually spans two days. The Day of the Dead holiday is about celebrating the dead, not being afraid of the dead. It’s a holiday for people to honor their ancestors and loved ones who have passed away and invite the spirits back into their homes to be part of the family once again. It is a celebration of family and a to show respect for those who have passed away. Rather than displaying grim or gory decorations, Day of the Dead celebrations involve paying respects to loved ones. Some similarities are that both fall very close together on the calendar. Both Halloween and Day of the Dead use costumes as a way to celebrate the holiday. Halloween costumes can range from scary to fun. To dress for the Day of the Dead, children wear masks to represent the deceased, in an honorable way, sometimes wearing the masks in a parade held in celebration of those who have passed on. Both Halloween and the Day of the Dead use food as part of the celebration. Halloween involves trick-or-treating where children knock on doors to receive candy and treats. Although food also is used during Day of the Dead, the food is placed on altars at the grave sites of those being remembered during the holiday. Both holidays have an emphasis on the deceased, but Halloween participants use the departed as a means to scare while the Day of the Dead celebrants use the dead as a form of remembrance. Regardless that these

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