Development Of Ancient Chinese Civilizations

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The Ancient Chinese civilizations have played a significant role in the developments of culture and technology that has been expanded and advanced throughout the centuries of time. Ancient China has heavily influenced modern society in a variety of ways. In my opinion, the most important attribute of Ancient Chinese civilizations is writing. They are also the creators of many other commonly used advances in our society such as the compass, herbal remedies, and paper. Without the Ancient Chinese culture, the development of technology, trade, medicine, and art wouldn’t be as advanced and thriving as it is today. The Ancient Chinese civilizations have helped shaped our knowledge and everyday life.
Ancient China is believed to have begun between the beginning of the second millennium B.C. and 221 B.C. The Xia Dynasty is believed to be the first of all Chinese Dynasties. There is no known recorded information about these people. The next dynasty was known as the Shang Dynasty. The Shang are believed to have ruled from1600 B.C. to 1046 B.C. They were the first of the many Chinese dynasties to follow to have written, recorded history. The Shang Dynasty is known to be the contributors of some of the most commonly used advances in technology today.
The Shang Dynasty, the first of the Chinese dynasties to have recorded history are known to have invented writing. Shang Dynasty documents were originally recorded on strips of bamboo and silk that have been decomposed. Oracle bones and bronze inscriptions hold the only written history from the Shang era. Shang bronze inscriptions were very short and did not say much so, most of what is known about the Shang Dynasty ...

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...hinese civilizations have played a prominent role in the developments of culture and technological advances. They have provided a stepping stone for trade, medical research like herbal medicine, paper, and the use of direction with the compass, and many other things. In my opinion, the most important heavily influenced modern is writing. Without the Ancient Chinese culture and inventions, the development of our main necessities in life, technology, trade, medicine, and art wouldn’t be as advanced as it is today. The Ancient Chinese civilizations have helped us as a society tremendously. Without their trial and error and different knowledge, we would not be as successful and as knowledgeable and advances as we are today. We also wouldn’t be advancing and changing as quickly as we are. The Ancient Chinese civilization’s contributions has helped us as a modern society.

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