Determinism Vs Libertarianism

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We as humans have the choice to decide whether we believe we are free or that everything in life is caused due to past events. This debate is brought up when you look at both Determinism and Libertarianism. Both theories draw their own perspective from people. What you chose to believe is entirely what you feel to be true, but you can’t hold both views. You either have to side with a libertarianism or hard determinism standpoint.
Libertarianism or “free will” can be defined as human beings are not bounded by causes, but are utterly free to act and choose. This means us as humans are able to decide the decisions we make. Whether the choices we make are moral or not, it is our free will. A person’s actions are caused by themselves as a result of their own thoughts. Past events that take place don’t matter it these situations. …show more content…

Everything happens due to a result of past events and whatever event will occur is impossible to evade. There is no choice or freedom of will. Fate is inevitable, what is meant to happen will always find its way. Homer the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey stated that “Fate is the same for the man who holds back, the same if he fights hard. We are all held in a single honour, the brave with the weaklings. A man dies still if he has done nothing, as one who has done much.” There is no way around fate, you can’t fight against it.
Comparing both determinism and libertarianism, you can picture that someone can’t side with both sides of the argument. People believe either that everyone has free will and the power to make their own choices for themselves, or that everything in life is caused by a set event. From a scientific aspect, when looking at determinism you can say that everything in the universe is already set; and for us as humans why would we be any different. There isn’t anything that makes humans different from the rest of

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