Determinism Vs Human Nature Essay

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Over the centuries, Philosophers have argued different forms of determinism as the leading cause of our inherent human nature. The definition of human nature varies for each person as our tendencies or perception are altered by our reality. Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud each had a deterministic view on human nature that has led to further psychological advancements. Determinists believed that outside forces predetermine all actions and events humans face in their day to day lives. Both standpoints connect determinism and human nature however, their differences between them are more important as Marx evaluates economical stances and Freud evaluates circumstances. During the enlightenment period, Karl Marx criticized the effects of the Industrial Revolution and capitalism on our conscious. Marx researched the direct relation between our economic structure and social consciousness (Difazio, Economic Determinism). Marx believed that our true nature is a result of our social relations (S., H., W., 12 Theories). The means of production and social conditioning vary in each society thus human nature cannot be generalized. However, it is true that all humans carry …show more content…

Karl Marx paved the way for economic determinism theories with his observations of the industrialization movement. Marx understood that humans naturally use free energy to survive (Stevenson, Reader), however capitalism has led societies to divide. Based on our labor, individuals are categorized into separate classes and often communities. As a result, our place on the economic pyramid alters our behavior and human nature. The materialistic attitude of the time set citizens back as their capabilities did not match their labor (Difazio, Economic Determinism). For example, the monotonous job of an assembly line isn’t naturally learned behavior but must be done to survive in the capitalist

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