Desire For Power In Macbeth

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In William Shakespeare’s tragedy, Macbeth, Macbeth is driven by his desire for power to commit heinous crimes against those who trusted him the most; Duncan and Banquo. Throughout the play, Macbeth is fueled with prophecies from witches that he will become king of Scotland, with this information he will do everything to make sure the prophecies benefit him. As Macbeth continues to kill, he no longer feels guilty but he feels as it is something that needed to be done.Shakespeare’s depiction of human desire for power is on point throughout the play, as Macbeth murders those close to him and detaching himself from gulit the more he kills. It is clear, humans desire for power, though cruel and inhumane, is peoples only way of being successful. …show more content…

The only problem was Duncan, the current king since he had appointed this son, Malcolm, as the heir to the throne. However, once Macbeth kills Duncan, killing is going to make the prophecies true. Although, Macbeth lost the ability to sleep because he was haunted by his inhumane acts, he was king and being king is all that matters. Macbeth feels guilty of the murder he committed but once the feels threatened by Banquo, his desire for power kicks in. Banquo could jeopardize Macbeth's rule. Despite his guilt and Banquo being his close friend, Macbeth sends assassins to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. The imperfect human nature that desire power, took control of his emotions and did what was needed to be done, or his rule would come to an end, showing his dominance towards those in his

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