Descriptive Language in Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

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John Steinbeck uses the different type of languages and the different

ideas to describe places in the book 'Of Mice and Men'. In this

assignment I am going to looking at the start of chapter one paragraph

one, which is the valley and countryside. Also, I am going to looking

at the start of chapter two first paragraphs, which is the bunkhouse

and it is in the ranch.

In chapter one opening paragraph describe countryside before the

ranch. It is about mountains, river, trees, sun and animals and it is

a nice place.

In chapter two opening paragraph is about bunkhouse. It is about where

the all workers slept on the ranch, where they kept their belongings

and it is a dark, cold and horrible place.

Steinbeck uses different colours to describe different places. In

chapter one starting paragraph he uses nice colours to describe warm

setting. For example following quote shows that;

"…the Salinas River drops in close to the hill side bank and runs deep


He uses colour green to describe the colour of Salinas river, and

another example is showing below;

"…over the yellow sand in the sunlight…"

He use nice colour like yellow to describe the colour of sand when the

sun is shining.

In chapter two starting paragraph again he use some horrible colours

to describe cooled setting. The following quotes showing that;

"Near one wall there was a black cast- iron stove…"

He use black colour to describe the very dark and cooled place. Also,

he uses horrible colours to describe the cold setting on chapter tow

first paragraph. The following quote showing that;

"The walls were whitewashed and the floor unpainted."

He uses white colour to describe the colour of the walls and he is

tries to describe how horrible is that building.

Steinbeck use soft and hard word to describe different places. In

chapter one opening paragraph he use more soft words to describe soft

setting. The following quote showing that;

"… sycamores with mottled, white …"

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