Descriptive Essay On A Public Bathroom

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Do not use the shower. It is disgusting

Seriously, Don 't. Just Don 't. I am not one to be a "germaphobe" but a public shower is gross. In the gym is no different, you have sweat. That 's right, all the bodily fluid from each member is coming right off them onto that floor. Next is urine. Let 's face it, LOTS of men will pee in the shower, aim right down the drain, sounds hygienic. NOT. You may be standing in 100 's of people 's urine. I have also heard guys say that ejaculation raises blood pressure and offers better results, so the floor may also be full of that. people who have skin/foot disease stepping all over the place. Many other things you need to watch out for in those showers. Either way, at the end of the day the shower floor is …show more content…

I get it, we are in a change room at some point we will be naked. Can we just please put some underwear on, or cover up if we are going to stand face to face or face to crotch in this case, and have a conversation. I am not trying to come off as homophobic or like I have something against you being naked, but I also do not want your crotch exposed right at my face. get undressed and start putting your gym clothes on right away, we are both going to be here for a while and have plenty of time to …show more content…

If you are not able to afford a personal trainer, these options are almost just as good. Most people feel the need to not look like a quitter, if at any point you feel like dropping your routine, please check out these classes. They are team/group based and can cover anything from CrossFit to more of a combat (Martial arts) based class. They are very fun and offer you a way to also make some friends well training. One of the best benefits is you will not want to let these people down and continue to show up. When in doubt the instructors are usually more than willing to spend a few moments after class to answer your questions. Have fun and get out there and make some new friends, well training and having a great time doing

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