Describe The Relationship Between Minnie And Minnnie

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In Leaving Home, the female characters are both destructive and nurturing to the people around them. Mary is the mother of two sons, Ben and Bill and Jacob’s wife in the play of Leaving Home. She is a dedicated character in her family. She is both a destructive and a nurturing character along the play. Mary is always in the middle of father-son conflicts and she somehow has to keep peace in her family. The destructive part of her is that she and her sons keep secrets from her husband. For instance, Mary does not tell Jacob about Ben leaving home and that Ben contributed financially while Jacob was in recovery from an accident. As a result, Jacob feels treated in that house like an invisible person, which causes him to become angry towards his …show more content…

She seems not to care too much for her daughter. She wants Kathie to marry Bill even if she had a miscarriage. Minnie is a destructive character in the play of Leaving Home. When Minnie was invited to Mary’s house, she began to talk inappropriately about her daughter, reminded Jacob of their adventurous memories in the past and flirted with Ben at dance. Minnie’s inappropriate response to her daughter was “I would do to these bitches the same as I did with the kittens back then”. This could potentially lowered her respect as a mother towards her daughter and reputation in front of Mercer family. Another scenario is when Minnie reminds Jacob in front of his wife and his sons about their adventurous memories. This reminder led to Mary being a bit jealous by responding her adventurous memories with Jerome MacKenzie, too. Now, the most devastating part of this scene that led to ruining Mercer family at the end of the play is when Minnie told Jacob about Ben leaving home. If Minnie were not to tell Jacob about Ben leaving home, Mary would have managed to tell Jacob about it in a way that she can keep her family united. Thus, Jacob considers Mary a liar because she told everyone else except

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