Describe How To Prepare Children And Young People Together

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Starting school is a monumental time in a child's life! Make sure your child enjoys his/her early experiences of education by preparing them for it! In order to make a successful and happy start to school, there are several key communication skills which will help your child settle in. While all children develop at different rates and all children have the right to be accepted as they are, these are some of the key areas in which you as a parent/caregiver can help prepare your child. Below are the key aspects your child needs to have grasped before they start school, in order to keep up and even excel:

- Language development: The child speaks confidently, possesses a good vocabulary, has had exposure to books, and exhibits pre-reading skills and a desire to read. …show more content…

- Behaviour and discipline: The child accepts and respects authority, is obedient, and can sit still and listen.

- Health: The child is in good health and has also acquired certain physical skills. S/he also has the ability to cope with personal hygiene.

- Desire to learn: The child is curious.

- Specific skills: The child can use equipment (such as scissors or a pencil); count, recognize letters, know his or her address, and can write own name.

As start, make a few quick checks, to see how ready your child is for school:

Can your child:

- Listen to stories, learn rhymes, and recognise and name colours?
- Play, share, take turns and adapt to doing things differently?
- Cope with change and deal with challenges?
- Dress himself, pull down and up his pants, wipe his own bottom and wash his hands?
- Converse socially and express her needs?
- Run, jump, catch, balance and dance?
- Cut, paste and use pencils?
- Recognise numbers and begin

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