Department Of Health And Social Care Essay

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Department of Health also published a wide range of guidance for supporting the move towards ‘normalising’ or ‘mainstreaming’ general health care for learning disability people. It is important to outline good practices in terms of respecting and treating equally people with learning disabilities. Department of Health claimed it is important ensure that each and every health care program for learning disability group must: • Involve them in developing the strategic consultation and plan on main policy issues • Producing materials in available formats • Advising the business and public sector to involve and communicate with people with learning disability The Department of Health also ensure to work with the commission and study the way forward for advocacy for all disabled people. Thus because of national and international changes taking place in services for people with learning disabilities has led to change the attitude of the society towards the issue, major policy are reviewed at government level along with substantial implications for future provision for health care services. IV. Critical Analysis (Of the Impact of the Policy on the Health) …show more content…

Moreover, in spite of this reason, Gardner (2010) claims that disability has be neglected from the debate of mainstream social policy for over longer time period. As argued by Wong, (2011), in UK where there is a presence of provision for disabled people, it is usually observed to be paternalistic. It is necessary to treat the disable people as welfare service clients, wanting to be provided

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