Dental Implants Informative Speech

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What are Dental Implants exactly?

You may of heard people discussing dental implants as part of cosmetic dentistry. They’ve often been described as the best option when it comes to replacing missing teeth for the simple fact that they offer the highest success rate of all tooth replacement procedures. With correct care, dental implants can also last just as long as your own teeth. In spite of these wonderful declarations of their capabilities, many are still left wondering just what they are exactly but we’re very glad you asked.

Picture if you will, a tooth; perhaps the kind you would often see on an old fashioned dental picture. You’ll notice the tooth has two parts to it. The first part is the crown; this is the pearly white part of the tooth that shows when you smile and then the root; this is the part that lies below the gum line and almost acts as an anchor to the tooth within the jaw bone. The dental implant acts as a permanent replacement to the root of the …show more content…

Placement details are mapped out ahead of time. For real complex situations, your dentist can choose to use x-rays and even CT imaging too. This helps them to determine the location of each implant exactly. It also helps them create a surgical guide to keep close to hand during the procedure itself when making incisions and creating the channels that will later hold the titanium implants.

It can be performed under local anesthesia – having a dental implant placed is usually much easier than having a tooth extracted so if you’re healthy enough to have a tooth taken out, you should have no problem with dental implant surgery. When you have the surgery under a local anesthetic, only the implant site and any surrounding tissues will be numbed while you, remain fully conscious. If you feel you may begin to suffer anxiety then you can opt to be placed under a full anesthetic

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