Dental Hygienist Personal Statement

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After being lost, puzzled, and indecisive for a while now about which health-related career I desire the most, I finally made up my mind and selected a major. I decided to complete a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Science after accomplishing an Associate’s Degree in Science, which is an open field filled with opportunities for several health professions. I realized that a Bachelor’s Degree in Health Science is the way to go as it enables me to switch back and forth between all of the health occupations that I worship. Down the road, I can even further my education and specialize in a specific domain that I am willing to commit to. In general, Health Science is a major where professionals undergo several tasks such as improving their community’s health and overall wellbeing, get involved in nutrition related conditions, use epidemiological techniques, counteract various infections, and enrich physical and daily health routines. The fact that Health Science is such a broad major, I am most likely to specialize in a particular field, which would probably be Dental Hygienist. A Dental Hygienist is obviously not as high on the ladder as a Dentist is, however, they both perform very similar errands. For instance, they both keep track of patient’s medical records and clean/maintain patient’s oral health (This includes the teeth and …show more content…

Of Corse companies would prefer further education such as a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree. Whichever degree I chose will be extremely worth it considering the fact that Dental Hygiene jobs have increased by 8% in only the past two years, with an increase prediction of 36% within the next decade. Plus, within the next decade over 108 Dental Hygienists will be retiring, this will cause future job openings to sky

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