Democratic Republic Pros And Cons

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Question 1: The framers of the constitution created the Democratic Republic, these are just some of the features that define the Democratic Republic. First is that a Democratic Republic is both a republic and a democracy. Democracy is based upon the majority rule and a person’s individual rights. A Democracy protects against all powerful central governments and transfer government to regional and local levels, and is a political system for choosing who should be in office based on free,and fair elections. Also makes sure that there is a protection of human rights. Citizens get the right to vote. The decisions of the framers are still affecting today’s society, because even though the Bill of Rights was added to the constitution in 1791, …show more content…

1888, 1876, and 1824 where the only elections in American history that a winner in the popular vote was denied presidency through the Electoral College System. The electors are chosen by state and only one candidate gets all the electoral votes for that state, even if they did not get all of the votes, as long as they get the “majority of’ then they get all of the votes for that one state. The pros are that a person still gets the right to vote and some people may even prefer the idea that someone else knows best, but the cons are that even if the candidate you voted for got the popular vote they still may not get the electoral college vote. They could still lose the election even if technically they won? but not actually. The process ultimately works in the countries benefit if the people are not able to pick the most qualified …show more content…

A person should always be read their rights before they begin with any kind of

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