Democracy In American Culture Essay

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Democracy in the American culture is defined as “a system of government in which power is vested in people, either directly or through freely elected representatives.” Which is stated in Webster dictionary. Many Americans to me do not advantage democracy we live in. I feel as though too many people in authority have a substantial amount of power, and end up making the wrong decision. Which is not of the best interest for the people. The Government has devised a way for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer. There is no median in between the high levels of society and the lower-class. Our middle class is vanishing, and it mainly because of how our democracy is setup. Our government is corrupt as a whole, which includes our democracy. Too many people in our democracy have the overall power and decision making ability to enforce, what they feel should be enforced in law. One example of this is the ongoing pain of taxes. Democracy is all about equality, but we totally lack it when paying our taxes. The small one percent of high class Americans are getting richer while …show more content…

Loeb believes that Democracy in our country has declined. Which is true, at one point in our history citizens of America were so passionate about democracy. Citizens of America respected and loved the idea of democracy. Our overall view of democracy is tainted now. There is no fair or equal side to it for now. This why less and less people respect the government and how it. Operates. Our system is no longer operating at the potential that we have seen in the past. This in result cause less voter turnouts and disrespect for the way our system operates. The problems we face in our system is inevitable. Trying to fix our broken democracy cannot be done. There is too much issues and mistrust in our democracy, to ever go back to the way things were initially meant to

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