Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Prostitution

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Prostitution is often been said to be one of the oldest profession. With many great and respected civilizations carrying out this practice, it seems normal that prostitution would not be harshly punished. As consenting adults, people have the freedom to choose what they do with their body. That is why the pornographic industry exists. Porn is just filming people who are being paid to have sex. But it is not. Prostitution is more like slavery while porn is more like the movies. That is, actors who are acting. Therefore, like slavery, prostitution, even though a very old practice, is now widely agreed upon as dehumanizing. Many impose that legalizing prostitution is in accordance with the first amendment, and that it will take prostitutes off …show more content…

An adult can choose to do what they want when it comes to their sexual interactions and having an agreement before hand of exchange should not be criminalized. As Teela Sanders puts it in a 2007 Independent article, “The sale of sexual services per se is not all that different from selling other services”. Prostitutes sell a human service for money, just like any other human service profession. It would seem that restriction of prostitution is restriction to the first amendment. Some point out that the government should not be exercising their power into the personal sexual lives of people. Continuously, some think that legalizing prostitution allows for prostitution to be totally the decision of the consenting adult, such as …. who articulates that “....”. Granted, the sexual activities of individuals is a personal matters that governments should not in totality be enforcing. In a way, this is the same argument that gives pornography freedom to …show more content…

It is claimed that legalization will create safer work environments in a lot of ways. Prostitutes would be treated as any other worker and would therefore receive benefits. Facilities also tend to mean cleaner working spaces and taking prostitutes off the streets. Prostitution is a sexual career that has not been solved and that has always surface, so instead of alienating the workers they need to be protected by the law. Catherine Healy, National Co-ordinator of the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective accounts that “[s]ince the change in the law, people feel they can approach the police and report violence. And it has changed the dynamics between sex workers and clients” (Healy, Catherine). Legalization gives power to prostitutes that they did not have working in the streets, out of the view of the law and under a drug lord. With the law on their, prostitutes side, the government can make regulate check ups to facilities and check for any abuses such as human trafficking and rape. Guidelines are also easily set up to have tests of sexual trasmitted diseases and proper education for prostitutes for the job that they are entering. Like marijuana legalization, legalization of brothels will allow for the service that will not go away to be safer for everybody involved, instead of it happening behind the scenes with people being too scared to complain or ask for help because then they would be prosecuted. One

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