Deforestation Essay

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Forests are all over the world. Forests are home to many plants and animals. Some animals live in the trees, but sadly many trees are disappearing. This process is called deforestation. Deforestation is the clearing of earth’s forests. Deforestation takes place all over the world, but tropical rainforests are affected the most, and the Amazon rain forest in particular.

Deforestation is not a recent act. It has been practiced throughout human history. About nine-tenths of all deforestation occurred before 1950, but it has increased dramatically over the last 60 years. Trees provide shelter,warmth and food. So its not a surprise that chopping down trees is an age old human activity. Wood from trees is used to build shelters and fuel fires. Fires are used for warmth and to cook food. Nuts and fruit from the trees are food for both humans and animals. Medicines and dyes are also made from the nuts and fruit from the tree. When the trees were cleared,there was rich soil to grow crops with. Back then, stones and flint axes were used to cut down the trees, but for the last sixty years, power saws have been used, and that has made a huge impact. (Williams, 2001).

Today deforestation is all over the world and it is increasing. Our forests are disappearing at a very fast rate. Most people, when they think of deforestation, think of the Amazon Rain Forest. However, this is not the only place that deforestation occurs. Deforestation also occurs in East Asia, Indonesia and the Congo. China has only 2% of its forests left. Some of the last of the world’s rainforests are in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and the Amazon. Deforestation is a big problem. It not only affects the world around us, bu...

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...on’t be that easy because trees supply paper and we use paper products in so many aspects of our lives. But there are thing we can do to help. we can recycle , and go paperless by using the electronics we use every day and monitor and reforest the forests. We can also spread awareness . Without awareness people will not know of this problem and then they won’t know to fix it.

Not only are we losing our forests, we are also losing the animals that live in the trees of the forest. Deforestation also contributes to climate change.

seemed to be declining in the year 2009 but now it has risen about 28%in 2012 ( BBC NEWS, 2013). But, the worst year for deforestation was in 2004 ( BBC NEWS, 2013). It seemed to be and still seems to be on the rise. There are many causes and effects to the loss in forests.

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