Definition Of Success Essay

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What is success? How do I define success well it is simple it is a way of completing something the way you wanted to complete it in the first place. When you succeed you finish the goal you set for yourself whether it is a long term or short term thing. You may not know if you completed your task because everything around you is not going how you expected when you first thought of it. It is also hard to tell because sometimes you may not even notice a change at first because success takes time. You will not be able to always succeed in life and sometimes just have to take the loss for a better reason than success. I have had to give up chances to succeed so that others around me could have the chance to feel good that they did. One time in particular I was playing this …show more content…

Times you would sacrifice in order to succeed would be like when you go to school and sacrifice years of your time and parents money just so in the future you can get a successful job and repeat the cycle that your parents started. You have to sacrifice money every day just so you can eat something. You have to practice in order succeed at things in your life that you may enjoy like games or drawing. The thing is Success is not just getting your way in life it is also helping those around you. You can be successful because you are helping others like the quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson “what is success? To know even on life has breathed easier because you have lived”. It means that you are not important in just your life but to everyone that you hold close as well. Being the bigger person in some situations can be its own form of success because you decided that you would rather fix the problem rather than make the problem escalate which is a hard thing for some people to do. One of the best ways you can make yourself successful is by taking the time out of your day to do what you know is right and help those around you as much as

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