Definition Of Failure Essay

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Disappointment, defeat, lack of success are all other ways of describing failure. The definition of failure is “an act or instance of failing or proving unsuccessful.” It is impossible to go through life without experiencing any kind of failure. Although failure in life is not always desired it is necessary and beneficial to someone's character and success.
The word failure has been given a negative connotation by our society. People are led to believe that when they fail at a task or sport it is shameful and should be kept a secret. Those who fail are called losers, failures or dummies, but failures are sometimes an effect of our own mistakes. This means we can learn ways to avoid them in the future and become more conscientious of our mistakes. We do …show more content…

Success or excellence is often achieved through failure. Often times when we get a result that we did not want, we blame it on fate or bad luck and decide not to try again, but in reality this is when a person should keep on trying again and again. A person who has not had failures in their life does not know of the true meaning of success; because being successful is not always getting it on your first try or by chance, but by taking the time to learn from our mistakes and fix them. Like Walt Disney, who also had a rough start to success, was fired by a newspaper editor because, "he lacked imagination and had no good ideas." After that, Walt Disney tried to start a number of businesses, but they did not last long and ended with bankruptcy and failure. However he kept trying, and eventually found a way that worked for him. Now is making billions from merchandise, movies and theme parks around the world. He may have failed numerous times, but he kept going to improve himself and become successful. Failing or not getting the desired result is just part of life, but it’s important to look past it and see that it will help towards the end

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