Definition Essay On Perfection

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Leo Tolstoy once spoke through his character Nataly, in Anna Karenina the line, “If you look for perfection, you’ll never be content” (Tolstoy, p.1472). This statement still immensely powerful today, our fantasy of achieving perfection has incredibly managed to hold its place throughout time. However, its flaw comes in just that, the perfection that we seek serves as nothing but a fantasy. Realistically, our goals of flawless bodies, unbreakable relationships, and perfect lives lie at the end of a race with no finish line. Granted, things such as getting in shape, having a stable relationship, and living a happy life serve as perfectly reasonable pursuits. But, seeking perfection within these goals will only lead to a path of detrimental self-loathing. So, if our search for perfection has no end then why do people keep striving for it each day? In truth, real perfection is not a state of flawlessness that we can reach at the end of the day, but the value within our flaws that we must discover along the way.
At the top of today’s hierarchal facade of perfection lies one major topic, self-image. Although not everyone views themselves entirely negatively, most everyone has one trait or …show more content…

Realistically, completing the perfect task or living the perfect life happens when we embrace the many failures that will come along with it. Instead of being afraid of flaws and imperfection, true perfection means to try our best at whatever we do and appreciate the result regardless of its quality. For example, if an artist strives for the perfect painting and pour hundreds of strenuous hours into their piece, the final image will undoubtedly have impressive results; though that does not mean that their work could beat out Michelangelo’s. However, regardless of the quality, by comparison that artist has undeniably created a perfect masterpiece in its own

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