Decriminalizing Prostitution: A Path to Healthier, Wealthier America

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Should Prostitution Be Legal? Prostitution is known to be the world oldest profession. Today, prostitution is illegal across the United States. And whether prostitution should be decriminalized remains to be a very controversial topic but I think decriminalized prostitution is the way to go because decriminalizing prostitution would get prostitutes off the streets, improve public health, and increase tax income. America is practicing a perilous and unequal framework that trashes sex workers and they are treated unfairly. Also, there is evidence confirm that legitimizing prostitution has huge public health benefits. One may debate that decriminalizing prostitution supports an industry that debases and misuse individuals, particularly woman.
In Germany and New Zealand, where sex work is legalized, sex workers are protected by occupational health and safety laws. Correspondingly, these brothels additionally screen customers and use credit cards. Sex workers there can report cases of violence and harassment, and the culprits are held responsible ("Why Legalizing Prostitution Would Make America Healthier, Wealthier and Safer"). Because these brothel owners are sending a message that they do not tolerate bad behavior and want to maintain a good image as honest and trouble free businesses. And these brothel owners ensure that they follow their company policy to call the police when there is a slightest hint of trouble
Thus, there are clear social and economic motivations to encourage the decriminalization of prostitution. It's the ideal opportunity for America to wake up and acknowledge the issues. Work Cited
Tracy M. Clements. “Prostitution and the American Health Care System: Denying Access to a Group of Women in Need” Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law & Justice, Volume 11, issue 1, 2013, pp. 87.

"Why Legalizing Prostitution Would Make America Healthier, Wealthier And Safer". Elite Daily. N.p., 2017. Access 17 Mar. 2017.
Fuchs, Erin. "7 Reasons Why America Should Legalize Prostitution". Business Insider. N.p., 2017. Access 28 Mar.

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