Decriminalization Of Drugs Research Paper

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Bretteville-Jensen, Anne Line. "To Legalize or Not To Legalize? Economic Approaches to the Decriminalization of Drugs." Substance Use & Misuse 41, no. 4 (2006): 555-65. Database online. Available from EbscoHost.
The journal article pursues an economic approach to explore the consequences, relying on “users’ price response and the validity of gateway theory.” Legalization possess two distinct interpretations: one for decriminalization of possession or consumption and the second, full decriminalization. Multiple factors and variables exist, nevertheless heavy drinkers’/smokers’ price responsiveness could predict the same for drug users. Opponents of cannabis legalization, claim the gateway to harder drugs initiates here. Nicotine, alcohol, ecstasy,
The information will assist in arguing the position I’ve undertaken.

D’Angelo, Ed. The Moral Culture of Drug Prohibition. Humanist. Sep/Oct 1994, 3-7. Database online. Available from EbscoHost.
The author expresses in the article, “that drug laws have been imposed to protect the moral culture of capitalism…” The illegality of drugs lies in their immorality not in their reality. The government cannot legalize drugs without surrendering the ability to control its Puritan agenda. The government demands freedoms remain forfeited to keep workers in engaged in the capitalist system. D’Angelo speculates, the “cultural turmoil of the 1960’s” prompted “Victorian renaissance” and “the rise of neo-conservatism.” The austerity of current legislation trusts “that the working class will always be enslaved by its desires” therefore sacrificing choices to those better suited to decide.
The article will lend itself to exploration of morality in the legalization debate. The majority of opponents to legalization, profess health issues and violence to drive the current
Schuster voices in the journal article, “problems posed by currently available substances will pale in significance to the chemicals…that will shortly be upon us.” Altering an individual’s perception, compounded with paranoia and aggression, profoundly changes the success of our relationships with the world. Advances in drug policy can safeguard society against future issues, but legalization holds no societal

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