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Nathaniel Hawthorne's critique of puritanism
Nathaniel Hawthorne's critique of puritanism
Nathaniel Hawthorne's critique of puritanism
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“The truth is, that, once in every half-century, at longest, a family should be merged into the great, obscure mass of humanity, and forget all about its ancestors” (Hawthorne 155) explains Holgrave about the aristocratic roots of the Pyncheon family in The House of the Seven Gables. In this novel, Nathaniel Hawthorne creates a story that effectively describes the clash between the decaying aristocracy and the emerging laboring class in the nineteenth-century in America through its characters. This “gothic romance” tells the story of an aristocratic Pyncheon family that once was wealthy, but now encounters itself with poverty and scarcity to the point that the old maid, Hepzibah Pyncheon, must open up a cent-shop in the house in order to survive. Through out the novel, Hawthorne uses Hepzibah to show the reader the inevitable process of transformation from the high aristocracy to the lower middle class that every aristocrat had to go trough in those times.
In properly understanding the full meaning of the novel, the readers must first [Democracy in America]
Moreover, the readers must reach the conclusion that each character represents a class structure from the America of those times: “They are all figures rather than characters—they are all pictures rather than persons… They are all types, to the author's mind, of something general, of something that is bound up with the history, at large, of families and individuals…” (James). As the story goes on, Hawthorne makes the readers see time and time again how this is totally true, and it all starts in the central event of the novel when Hepzibah has to open up the shop, which represents her transition into the middle class.
“The aristocracy’s power is founded in the past. If a pers...
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...e against a bitter emotion of a directly opposite kind: a sentiment of virulence… towards the idle aristocracy to which it had so recently been her pride to belong” (Hawthorne 51.) This different attitude towards the people that visited the shop is the first step in Hepzibah’s transition and provides the starting point in her induction of the middle class.
Works Cited
Hart, Emma. “Work, family and the Eighteenth-Century History of a Middle Class in the American South.” Journal of Southern History. 78.3 (2012): 551-578. Web.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The House of the Seven Gables, Pennsylvania: Jim Manis, 2014.Web.
James, Henry, Jr. "Hawthorne." Hawthorne. Henry James. Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1879. Rpt. in Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. Ed. Laurie Lanzen Harris. Vol. 2. Detroit: Gale Research, 1982. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 29 Mar. 2014.
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The Scarlet Letter, tells the story of a young adulteress named Hester Prynne and her bastard daughter, Pearl, as they endure their residence in a small town of the Massachusetts British settlement in the1600s. Pearl’s illegitimate birth is the result of the relationship between Hester Prynne and a minister of the Puritan church, Arthur Dimmesdale. Through public defamation and a perpetual embroidery of an “A” upon her dress, Hester is punished for her crime. Whereas, Arthur choses to suppress the secret over illuminating the truth and endures internal and self-inflicted punishment as consequence.
The Dark Side of Judge Pyncheon in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Novel, The House of the Seven Gables People in society live in a masquerade. Everyone wears a decoratively adorned mask that displays beauty, purity, and service. However, behind the mask lies on the inside of all society. One will stop at nothing in order to be well liked, thus becoming hypocrites. In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s novel, The House of the Seven Gables, the narrator uses intense diction, a vivid selection of detail, and a shocking tone to reveal that the character of Judge Pyncheon resembles perfection on the outside, yet “darker traits” sit latent on the inside.
Nathaniel Hawthorne, author of The House of Seven Gables, reveals Judge Pyncheon’s character in a strategic manner to show the shallowness in Judge Pyncheon’s good deeds. The author uses the position of details, diction, and tone to express his dislike for Judge Pyncheon’s character and also to reveal the judges character as two-fold, first good, then evil.
In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s well known novel, The Scarlet Letter, extensive diction and intense imagery are used to portray the overall tone of the characters. In particular, Hester Prynne, the wearer of the Scarlet Letter, receives plentiful positive characterization throughout the novel. Hester’s character most notably develops through the town’s peoples ever-changing views on the scarlet letter, the copious mentions of her bravery, and her ability to take care of herself, Pearl, and others, even when she reaches the point where most would give up and wallow in their suffering.
In this essay, we will examine three documents to prove that they do indeed support the assertion that women’s social status in the United States during the antebellum period and beyond was as “domestic household slaves” to their husband and children. The documents we will be examining are: “From Antislavery to Women 's Rights” by Angelina Grimke in 1838, “A Fourierist Newspaper Criticizes the Nuclear Family” in 1844, and “Woman in the Nineteenth Century” by Margaret Fuller in 1845.
In this excerpt Hawthorne is conveying a change in Hester’s physical appearance to now being austere and bland. Hawthorne’s description of the changed Hester is in close comparison to the description of the Puritans. After seven years of being punished and looked down upon, Hester Prynne -once described as a halo- is now fitting in with the sorrowful, bland colored, hair in a cap, rotund Puritan woman.
Hawthorne knew that all men are defective. Earth's Holocaust is his most striking statement of the theme, but every story and novel is based on that premise. Those who ignore human imperfection in their planning become, like Aylmer of The Birthmark, destroyers rather than creators. From his knowledge of universal depravity came and not as paradoxically as it may seem a humility and a sense of social solidarity too often lacking in our young critics of society. The society with which he was concerned was a wider society. As we have noted, his people are often ''saved'' through love for one other person. The heart is touched by love, bringing warmth, or ''reality." But the saved one does not then withdraw with his loved one in a society of the elect; he does not join a Brook Farm or a commune. He returns to the larger society, to what Lewis calls "the tribe." He is defective and incomplete-as it is defective and incomplete; he needs it as it needs him. Thus love unites Phoebe and Holgrave, but also serves the larger social purpose of uniting two warring families, displacing hate by love and "cleansing'' a cursed house. Love for Clifford brings Hepzibah out of destructive pride and isolation into intercourse with the world. Hester is saved at the end not by the "consecration of its own" she once thought blessed her union with Dimmesdale, not by escape into ...
...Chrie, D., (ed.), Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism. Detroit, MI: Gale Research Company, 1986. Vo. 13, pp. 53-111.
The House of the Seven Gables written by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a novel that engages the reader in an intricate love story that blends history and a fanciful ancestry. Hawthorne stays true to the Romantic era’s convections through his detailed development of the plot. Through his writing, the reader can capture the emotions, morality and motives of each character. Although Hawthorne writes in the romantic style, he does not fail to go against the social norms with the plot. He defines the normal roles of women and he emphasizes the role of wealth in society. Furthermore he asserts his opinions on issues that were prevent in that time, such as, racism, slave emancipation and Jim Crow. The story was not created to just provide a creative love
Nathaniel Hawthorne, one of America's most renowned authors, demonstrates his extraordinary talents in two of his most famed novels, The Scarlet Letter and The House of the Seven Gables. To compare these two books seems bizarre, as their plots are distinctly different. Though the books are quite seemingly different, the central themes and Hawthorne's style are closely related (Carey, p. 62). American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne is most famous for his books THE SCARLET LETTER and THE HOUSE OF THE SEVEN GABLES, which are closely related in theme, the use of symbolism, characterization, and style.
He proposes that the author appears unsympathetic toward characters like Hester or Dimmesdale when they embody the ideals of a revolution. He backs this up by explaining that ideas of revolution, bloodshed and everything else it accompanies, was repulsive to Hawthorne, and likewise the author of the Custom House. He calls to light important examples of when the Custom House author portrayed a character in a negative light, in accompany with a situation where that character was seen to be emulating certain revolutionary ideals. Reynolds directly states, “Specifically, when Hester and Arthur battle to maintain or regain their rightful place in the social or spiritual order the narrator sympathizes with them; when they become revolutionary instead and attempt to overthrow an establish order, he becomes unsympathetic” (625). He makes this claim in connection with the above mentioned scaffold. This revolutionary device is something that is meant to degrade and humiliate Hester, but instead, given the author’s negative feelings towards these revolutionary ideals, he uses it as a physical and metaphorical way to elevate Hester. The connection is further validated by the background knowledge Reynolds provides. Not just in this example, but throughout the piece, Reynolds gives the reader an insight into how Hawthorne was influenced by these ideals. He mentions how
Characters who yearn for appreciation, the portrayal of a depressing ambiance, and the repetition of buried guilt are a few resemblances of the Masterpiece rendition of Great Expectations and Dickens’ novel. In both adaptations, many characters struggle with the loneliness and troubles of life. Although life’s issues differ from when the novel was written until now, the audience can still relate to the characters. This classic story has traveled through many era’s and the moral is still understandable to all people who have enjoyed the tale in its many different formats. It is especially relatable to those who have struggled to cope with the challenges of life.
The historical setting is highly significant in the novel since it is intertwined with the public’s belief and values, which shape overall themes of the novel and the main characters’ traits. The main setting of the novel takes place in New England during the middle of the seventeenth century, and the setting is the essential factor that develops the core conflicts among Hester, Dimmesdale, and the Puritan society; in fact, the historical setting itself and the society within it is what Hawthorne intends to reveal to the reader. New England in the seventeenth century was predominately organized around religious authorities, and indeed, a large portion of the population had migrated to the colony of New England with religious purposes. Therefore, the strict and religiously centered historical setting is well demonstrated through Hester’s townspeople when Hester commits adultery. The church authority and the townspeople require Hester to wear the large “A” embroidered scarlet letter, which symbolizes adultery. This act is aligned with the historica...
In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Novel The House of the Seven Gables, the passage describes Judge Pycheons outer public image while hinting at the within. Judge Pycheon’s characteristics are embodied by the actions of someone who is self-indulged with luxury. Hawthorne subtly hints at his internal character with the listing of social status in contrast to his position followed by hypocritical actions, all of which is embraced by an insurmountable amount of wealth.
The Scarlet Letter is a fictional novel that begins with an introductory passage titled ‘The Custom-House’. This passage gives a historical background of the novel and conveys the narrator’s purpose for writing about the legend of Hester Prynne even though the narrator envisions his ancestors criticizing him and calling him a “degenerate” because his career was not “glorifying God”, which is very typical of the strict, moralistic Puritans. Also, although Hawthorne is a Romantic writer, he incorporates properties of Realism into his novel by not idealizing the characters and by representing them in a more authentic manner. He does this by using very formal dialogue common to the harsh Puritan society of the seventeenth century and reflecting their ideals through this dialogue. The Puritans held somewhat similar views as the Transcendentalists in that they believed in the unity of God and the world and saw signs and symbols in human events, such as when the citizens related the meteo...