Death And Culture Essay

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Death is inevitable. Culture can vary in how one views death. In America, death is often seen negative, scary, and often resisted. Each culture is unique in its own way. Regardless of beliefs, culture, and spirituality each person experiences death in a different way.
Biologically, we are all dying. What this looks like is often influenced by media. Media often show ways to resist death. Infomercials show of dietary supplements, commercials show cosmetic surgeries all to alter peoples bodies to portray age differently. Beliefs are conceptual ideals unconnected to a specific object or situation.

Social and institutional influences, religious, and culture creates one's individual value system.
When giving news …show more content…

We need to realize without loss, it would be impossible to celebrate existence. (Dunn, 2017)

SPIRITUALITY Catholics believe in a state of after life; purgatory. If lives are not lived according to the bible, ensuring a way into heaven, a person living the Catholic religion could choose to fight for more options to stay alive. In Buddhism death is not the end of one's life. It is the death of the body. The spirit remains and will regenerate and be reincarnated. Rebirthing karma is important to live a happy life. Agnostics do not believe in God. Agnostics do not have a belief in an afterlife, and that death leads to a nonexistence. (Pentaris, Culture and Death: A Multicultural Perspective)
END OF LIFE In the last ten years literature has shown many aspects concerning end of life decisions. End of life decisions not only affect the terminal patient but also the physician, medical staff, family members, and friends. Looking into end of life decisions and what it affects it is quite extensive. Therefore, it needs to be determined how spiritual beliefs alter medical professionals thoughts and decisions on end of life choices. Knowing the medical professionals all have some sort of spirituality leads us to question how they handle patients end of life choices, where they suggest the patients to die, how they encourage them to get their affairs in order, and suggestions on treatments or death with

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