Deaf And Gay Community Essay

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There are some interesting similarities between the Deaf and Gay communities. They both share the same important characteristic and that makes them a minority that is not passed down through families like other minorities. Members of the Deaf and Gay communities tend to lack structure and common ground as minority groups supported by families and communities. Both groups have struggled for civil rights and have had similar paths as the communities fought to develop their own history, culture, and mobilize their individual populations (Healy). Both the Deaf and Gay communities have their own obstacles and stigmas, and the people in the middle of the two groups, like being deaf or gay, inherited the challenges of both communities. These two communties had to fight against almost the same social stigmas. The stigmas were based on intolerance and ignorance. Deafness was and still continues to be seen as a disability (even thought I strongly disagree) people assumed that deaf …show more content…

Before the Deaf community decided to advocate for rights, gay people had to hide in the Deaf community as non-deaf gays did in the hearing community. In the 1980’s they had to conceal their sexual identity from the straight Deaf and hard of hearing community. There was a set a sogns created by gay and lesbian men and women and used only by the Deaf Gay community (Harper). Just recently the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) Board of Directors finally decided to support gay marriage. It was once commonly believed that two Deaf adults should not be allowed to marry and become parents based on the fact they cannot hear. With the history of marriage inequality led the Deaf community to support the fight for same sex marriage (Polaski 2012). While there is still progress to be made, the Deaf and Gay communities are now political allies and

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