Dbq Essay On Welfare

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Welfare Essay: 21.3 percent of the U. S. population, approximately 52.2 million people, are given Government Assistance Programs. That is millions of people on welfare, people unable to make enough money to afford the necessities for life. Having welfare is a great thing to have a safety net for those unable to support themselves is wonderful, but would it not be better if welfare with a non necessity? In a perfect world there would not be welfare because people would not need it, but as of now we do need welfare. Therefore, welfare is an important part of the American Government, it helps people support themselves from with things like having tax credit and food stamps, affordable healthcare, and prevents people from falling into poverty. …show more content…

This act allowed people who are unable to afford healthcare the ability to reserve healthcare, which is a human right. Stated in document 10, “ Obama has said that 20 million people gained coverage through three parts of the ACA.” The quote states that millions of people were able to get healthcare because it was finally affordable, meaning more people are able to get medical help and able to afford medical help because they have healthcare. In the document it states that the healthcare costs were lessened after the passing of ACA. Therefore the government had to spend less money on healthcare because people were spending less time in the hospital and limits the medical help that is not needed. This healthcare act not only allowed people to have healthcare, but also cut costs down for the government. Now that there is a new administration, there is a threat to the healthcare act because Trump wants to destroy everything good in this world. Trump never stated what he would be the replace for the ACA, in other words there is no replacement. Having no replacement for affordable healthcare with put millions out of their healthcare insurance, that is putting millions back into the incapability of supporting themselves in the medical sense. Healthcare is something all people deserve a right to have, having the ability to pay for one’s own medical help is a human right. To …show more content…

Stated previously in the paragraph is the fact that without welfare the poverty population would be at a higher percentage than it currently is. Welfare allows people to live with the comfort that they are able to have a home, nutritious food, and Social Security. According to document 10, “ More than 50 percent of senior citizens in the U.S. would fall below the poverty level without the monthly Social Security checks they recieve.” Therefore welfare is preventing people from entering the poverty population because it helps the elderly and disabled with costs by sending security checks monthly. Welfare prevents people from falling into poverty by giving them affordable healthcare. Welfare is a prevention of poverty because it gives help to those who are unable to pay their full taxes and helps gives them nutritious food. If welfare was not there as a safety net then a large population of the U.S. would fall into poverty because they would not be able to make ends meet. Why would this country willingly watch its citizens to fall into a life of uncertainty? If the government decides to remove most of the benefits to welfare then it is throwing most of its citizens to the curb without a thought about

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