Dbq Civil Rights Movement

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The Civil Rights movement began when African Americans started fighting back against social injustices they faced. From the Civil Rights Movement emerged two black activists, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. Martin Luther King believed that blacks and whites should work together in order to achieve equality. Meanwhile, Malcolm X believes that blacks and whites should work separately. Martin Luther king also said that black and white kids should go to school together. Malcolm X however, believes that black children and white children should go to separate schools and that black schools should be run by black parents and teachers. Economics wise, Martin Luther King said that boycotting businesses is the best way to accomplish their goals …show more content…

One of the things they can do, as suggested by Dr.King, was to boycott. King said “ Along with the march as a weapon for change in our nonviolent arsenal must be listed the boycott” (Document 6). Malcolm X on the other hand, suggests that in order to achieve economic equality, African Americans need to operate and own businesses in their communities. Malcolm X once said “ We have to learn how to own and operate the businesses of our community and develop them into some type of industry that will enable us to create employment for the people of our community so that they won’t have to constantly be involved in picketing and boycotting other people in other communities in order to get a job” (Document 7). Out of those two methods, Malcolm X’s idea for African Americans to run and own their own businesses is better than Martin Luther King’s idea of boycotting. The reason for this is because if businesses are created, that means there will be jobs, and with jobs being created, African Americans will be able to earn more money. Not only that, but with businesses in black neighborhoods, African American’s won’t have to go to stores owned by whites and make them become richer and richer, meanwhile African Americans become poorer and …show more content…

In response to this violence, Martin Luther King responded that violence should not be stopped by causing more violence, and there are non violent ways to stop it. In a speech Dr.King had at a staff retreat, he said “ Violence may go to the point of murdering the hater, but it doesn’t murder hate. It may increase hate. It is always a descending spiral leading nowhere. This is the ultimate weakness of violence: It multiplies evil and violence in the universe. It doesn’t solve any problems” (Document 8). Malcolm X on the other hand, had a very different approach on how violence towards the black community should be stopped. Malcolm X said non-violence will not work if it is only being preached to blacks and no one else. In an interview on January 18,1965, Malcolm X said “ I believe we should protect ourselves by any means necessary when we are attacked by racists” (Document 9). Malcolm X isn’t wrong that African Americans should protect themselves, however they should not be violent towards whites just to stop the violence they are facing. Violence on both sides will only cause more conflict between whites and blacks, therefore Martin Luther King’s philosophy of non-violence makes more sense because, you don’t fight fire with fire. That will only cause more

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