David LaChapelle and Fetichism

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In this essay I intend to prove that David LaChapelle’s work is more than just mere pornographic smut that at face value some would suggest, that his work is in fact an exposé on the deviant nature of human sexuality and addresses the subject of class and politics in England today. David LaChapelle’s 2002 ‘Aristocrats’ is the subject of this study, due to its provocative nature.

LaChapelle displays have many different connotations within, making his work a great source of analysis for the purpose of this study, having never before considered the deliberate societal commentary hidden within the photograph’s underlying narrative. This photo was originally created for Vogue- it is thought to have also been the inspiration for Rihanna’s music video for her 2011 song ‘S&M’.

“In advertising, sex sells. But only if you're selling sex.” (Richards)

‘Aristocrats’ depicts a woman in a black PVC or leather coat, in one hand she is holding a riding crop and in the other she has a scantily clad gentleman on a leash. He is wearing a leather-studded harness some Dr Martens and a leather military hat. She doesn’t appear to be taking much notice of the male due to the fact her eyes aren’t aimed at the him on the ground. They are outside on the lawn of a very beautiful building somewhere in the UK. The building’s design appears to be influenced by Asian design with an English twist.

“Sex is the mysticism of materialism and the only possible religion in a materialistic society.” (Muggeridge, 1963)

When first viewing this image it appears it’s intended to be used for sexual gratification, the use of BDSM, leather, latex, domination and submission categorises this image of something that lies within hard-core fetish photography and pornog...

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