David Hume Research Paper

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Describe the work of Michel de Montaigne and his beliefs about human behavior.

In the history of Western Philosophy, Immanuel Kant is considered as one of the most important and influential philosophers. Kant contributed a lot to metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics and made a profound impact on philosophical movement of that time. Kant was highly impressed by work of David Hume and it was the work of David Hume that evoked Kant from his dogmas. It’s being said that Kant spend close to12 years in search of answers of various questions of David Hume’s skepticism A large part of Kant’s work was focused on addressing of very basic questions regarding knowledge of self. For Kant, knowledge is constrained to mathematics and the science of the natural, empirical world. He firmly believed that we cannot extend our knowledge to realm of speculative metaphysics. It is the mind that plays a sole and active role in constituting the features of experience and limiting the mind’s access to the empirical realm of space and time. …show more content…

Kant always believed that it’s never worthy to use others as a means to personal gain, as humans we have to overcome selfishness. Kant believed that there is a strong reason for survival, we cannot survive without a mystic base and what it had to be saved from was reason. A man’s conceptual faculty and man’s basic concepts are not derived from experience or reality, but are result of an automatic system of filters that he possess in his consciousness. Kant believed that mind is supreme force that derives humans. The human concepts are not only based on delusion but also there is no escape. All humans have power to change the flora and fauns but only when one comes out of mind

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